Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Adult Learner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

Adult Learner - Essay Example According to Slaney personal or collective interference can assist adult learners look at the optimistic feature of interrupting satisfaction to complete higher education. Contributors should assist adult learners concentrate on all three predilections. Even with the difficult family and professional responsibilities adult learners discover to cope: attain educational objective becomes supreme. The changeover in the educational surroundings itself can be a test for adult learners. Adult learners create equilibrium in habitat, employment, and school tasks. While tackling with individual matters adult learners are also required to concentrate on the requirements of formal learning. Adult learners who know the political character of education are being sensible about the method and atmosphere of higher education. Beginners may at first need assistance with this job. The openings propel an obvious note of greeting to adult learners. Educational surroundings that make easy learning for adults are friendly places. The replica proposes a heuristic instrument for investigation on the apprehensions of adult learners. Adult learners vary in their ability of tackling with the structure; establishment of higher education vary in their consideration to the requirements of adult learners. The Adult Persistence in Learning approach offers a deliberate road map to direct counseling involvement with adult learners in higher education. So MacKinnon Slaney’s article directly relates to our course material as the writers agree that adults should be able to change

Monday, October 28, 2019

The view that assisted suicide is an act of compassion Essay Example for Free

The view that assisted suicide is an act of compassion Essay Assisted suicide can be an act of compassion because it relieves immense suffering both for the patient and the family. Thinking that it is purely about pain is naà ¯ve, in reality terminally ill patients fear the loss of independence, dignity and function more than pain. Pain can be managed, but other regressive symptoms cannot. When considering this issue, utilitarianists think about quality of life as well as quantity of life. Sometimes assisted dying may be necessary to produce the greatest amount of happiness. There is little to be gained from keeping someone alive when they are dependent on machines to carry out basic functions. Ultimately suicide is a tragic but conscientious moral choice. For some patients euthanasia will be seen as the ultimate expression of autonomy in that they determine the time and mode of their dying. It may be the only thing left they are able to control. If we have the right to life it follows that we should also have the right to die in our own terms. To force someone to continue living against their will could be considered torture. Society’s views are changing regarding assisted suicide, which is demonstrated even by the change in language used. The media now refers to it as assisted dying, or mercy killing. Although it remains illegal in the UK, the public opinion is gradually changing. Even some Christians believe that it can be a charitable act. Paul Badham, an Anglican priest, wrote a book in favour of assisted suicide for both social and economic reasons. However, the Christian Medical Fellowship dismissed it: â€Å"The highly selective and infrequent use of the Bible, the pick n mix theology, the fundamentalist view of human autonomy, and the slapdash use of Church history do not constitute a Christian case at all.† On the other hand, many believe that assisted suicide is not an act of compassion. These views are usually influenced by Christian teaching. The Bible speaks much about God’s control of when we die, such as Job 14:5: â€Å"Since his days are determined, The number of his months is with You; And his limits You have set so that he cannot pass.† There are cases of people seeking assisted suicide in the Old Testament, but these requests tend to come from disobedient characters such as Saul. Furthermore, just because the Bible records an event does not mean God approves of it. Christians would instead promote palliative care as a better option. Furthermore, opponents of assisted suicide often cite the slippery slope argument. We are descending into a culture of death. Many opponents would fear that even the strictest of legislation would gradually be opened up until assisted suicide is available on demand. This has already been witnessed with abortion. Legislation that was supposed to only allow it in exceptional cases has been revised to a point where it is available on demand. Finally, assisted suicide is not an act of compassion because it breaks down professional and legal norms. Doctors are supposed to be preservers of life, not bringers of death. It would transform the job description of a doctor. Assisted suicide is contrary to the Hippocratic oath, which sets forth certain ethical standards for doctors – including, â€Å"you will exercise your art purely for the cure of your patients.† To conclude, our opinion on any form of suicide will depend on how we see our own bodies. Are they mere disposable tools, or do they have a higher, divinely ordained purpose? To quote Dignity in Dying, â€Å"An assisted dying law would not result in more people dying, but in fewer people suffering.†

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Roman Medicine Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Romans used both scientific and mythological methods in their medicine. By adopting the methods of Greek medicine; the Romans obtained a solid foundation. They copied Hippocrates, who separated the study of medicine from philosophy and had an overall approach to the health of humans. Hippocrates also observed the habits and environment of humans to accurately determine illnesses and discover treatments. The Romans adapted the Hippocratic method and combined it with mythical and religious views. The Romans used Greek methods, and also included prayers and offerings to the gods. Although all gods had healing powers, Aesculapius, the god of healing, was the most important. Unlike today, the Ancient Roman doctors received no respect, because they were considered to be fraudilant. This reputation was caused by the doctors magical tricks, and the lack of useful treatments. The job required minimal training, as they only had to apprentice with their senior. Thus, many free slaves and people who had failed at everything else filled this profession. Some did try to find new remedies; however, others used medicine to con people. Public surgeries were done to attract audiences as an advertisement. Doctors would even become beauticians providing perfumes, cosmetics, and even hairdressing. When wives wanted their husbands gone, they would say,  ¡Ã‚ §put the patient out of his misery ¡Ã‚ ¨ and the doctors would be the murderers. However, as wars began to break out, there were improvements bec...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

High School and Prom Essay

‘’ Did I dream that we danced forever, in a wish that we made together on a night that I prayed would never end ‘’ One of the most unforgettable moments in my life is in my high school days particularly the most awaited event of high school student is the junior and senior prom. I’m in my third year high school It’s Friday February 15, 2008 all the junior and senior students are required to join this once in a lifetime event. I’m so excited I can’t wait to wear my dress which is color pink, to put make up and to fix my hair. Before the prom begins I my friends and my classmate met on the gate we kept taking photos of us. We were so noisy at the entrance. And when the marshal said we have to go to the covered court because the prom is going to start now, I was so nervous. I kept on thinking ‘’what if i fall while I’m walking?’’ there’s so many ‘’what if’s’’ in my mind. The court where our prom held was beautiful. I was amazed and our court was so huge. I was excited to start the prom because I am one of the student chosen to be part of the cotillion and my partner is Darwin. Darwin is one of my closest friends during high school days. The cotillion was perfectly done. After the cotillion our student president made her speech I and my other friends were so bored and some complained that they were starving. After the speech of our president we could finally eat our dinner. After our dinner the program continued there was a lot of funny moment during the program. It was hilarious. But for me, the best part of that night was party party time. We all dance like crazy animals and the best part of it is that all my guy friends asked me to dance. I also dance with my girl friend we were laughing and just have fun. After the dance I decided to go home and change my clothes at the bathroom but my bestfriend Christal told me to wait for the party to end so I change my heels and put my slippers. The speaker starts mentioning those people who are nominated to be the prom queen and king of the night. And I was busy chattering with my friends when one of my classmate told me that my name announced by the host and I was shocked i said that I can’t go to the stage because I’m wearing my slippers already. But my best friend told me that it’s ok. So I went to stage with my slippers on and walk in front of the crowd. I am so shy and embarrassed because of this but thank God that I am not the one who choose to be the prom queen. And this is one of the unforgettable moments of my life it’s just a natural moment but because of this I gain more confidence and faith in myself.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Road Safety Measures

Introduction- Road Accident is collision between any vehicles (for example car, truck, motorcycle etsectra) or it can be with any pedestrian, animal or the hindrance placed in the middle of the road. The accident occurred could result in many injuries or damage to the property. There are various factors which come into account which can be the reason of accident that is design of the road, driver's impairment and vehicle design which can cause serious and most dangerous types of accidents. This essay is based on the prevention of car accidents on the roads mainly on the streets of Dubai.Defining the Problem- What is the Problem? – The provision of highways are resulting in convenience for the peoples but the main problem which is faced by the government of any country is that the more frequent road accidents which are happening on the highways which results in severe damage in form of man power or infrastructure and mainly it is happening in big cities like UAE or Dubai which are having large road transport. The problem is basically small which is to be handled very carefully by the government; they have taken many measures to stop these huge accidents.Whenever a road accident takes place there is various types of damage which takes place which could be in the form of human beings which is also a victim, infrastructure which is damage to the government and other administration damages which occurs during accident. There is heavy cost to all above types of damages which has to be paid during accident which increase the complication if every day there will hundreds of accidents across the country which would directly affect the economy of the country such as UAE.There is a cost which has to be paid by the victim's family which cause great problem financially, the property is damaged due to the accident which also affect government financially indirectly. There is also some administration cost which will undergo due to the accident. Reason- The main reason behind the accidents which occur so frequently on the roads of UAE is that inattention which is given during driving a car. There would probably lesser amount of accidents if proper attention and rules are followed during traveling. There could be reason related to weather which lso come into effect into the reason behind accident which is of course a natural reason, the fog which causes less appearance of on coming vehicles could result in accidents. The other main reason which can cause massive accident is consumption of alcohol during driving. There are some stats related to the car accidents in UAE- * Mostly 92% men are responsible for the death occurred during accident and only 8% women are responsible. * Accidents at night made up 45% of the total fatalities. * Private vehicles cause 1164 accidents taking a toll of 167 lives. The average ratio of death due to accident in UAE was 1 in every 28 hours. Cause of Accidents- There are four factors which are responsible for these ty pes of road car accidents which are- Equipment Failure- The failure of some equipment inside the machine working of a car resulting into serious car accident is known as Accident due to Equipment Failure. These could be of various types such as failing of break, bursting of tire, tread separations or the problem could occur in steering/suspension. Roadway Design- The accidents which occur due to the irregular design of roads are known as accidents due to Roadway Design.It could occur through hazardous visibility which consists of merging lanes, livestock or pedestrian crossings, crests and troughs etc. The accident also occurs due to the irregular surface of the roads which causes imbalance of the vehicle and results into collision with another vehicle or infrastructure. Poor Roadway Maintenance- Poor roadway maintenance also contributes to some of the car accidents. There could be debris in the way of the road which could create problems for the traveler which is responsibility of local highway department, faded road sign and potholes could be another cause for the major road accident.Driver Behavior- The main and foremost cause is driver's behavior other than three causes discussed above which constitutes only 5% of the cause of the road accidents and 95% depends on this one. Various surveys has been done in which there is a study which comes out to be that only 5% driver's committed their own mistake in the accident and a major of 80 % believe that the other driver should have done something to stop the accident to occur. Current Policy- There are various policies which has been started or being formed for the increasing road accidents on the roads of UAE.There is an immediate need for the adoption of government's policies which could change the face of the accidents in the positive manner. Recently there is a conference been held in Abu Dhabi which was 15th Road Safety conference of four continents under the patronage of the vice president and prime minist er of United Arab of Emirates, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid AL Maktoum. This conference was mainly organized by National Transport Authority (NTA) and with collaboration with other groups such as GRPS, FERSI, TRB and many more.This was the first road safety conference which will going to follow United Nation Assembly resolution A/64/L. 44/Rev1 on safety of roads. The aim to conduct this conference was to follow the path being adopted by the UN assembly resolution and to support the declaration being done in Moscow to improve the safety measures on road. This conference was great platform for the government to adopt the measures which are being adopted and technical methods which are better than their methods could be adopted and being implemented to construct a safe world to live in which is free from ant accident.It was a great platform to debate for road safety issues and to discuss them and the measurement for the improvement of safety measures. There should be organization of futu re events and form a close relationship with transport institutions and the government authorities to work on the topic of road safety which can reduce the number of accidents which took place these days. The conclusion of this conference come out with the understanding that all the participants that is the countries or the nations which have participated in the conference will follow the guidance given by the United Nations on the road safety measures.There should be implementation of the strategic plan such as â€Å"Zero Vision† which is famous in some countries in Europe which should be encouraged by the United Arab of Emirates government as well as the agency under which this project will go should handle it with care. Government' s Reaction- The accidents which are taking place in the UAE region of Arab countries are getting out of the alarming situation so there is a need of taking protective measures by the government to enhance the education related to the safety adop tion during driving to avoid the risk of accident.There are various policies which have been introduced by the UAE government to ensure that there is less number of accidents in the country. There are various system introduced to control the accidents which takes place at the highway like introduction of fine system, black points and application like radars should be installed. So these systems should be discussed in detail to understand their uniqueness System of fine-There is an introduction of fine in various countries for the breaking of traffic rules to control the ongoing accident on the highways or on the street but the fine system which is applied in the United Arab Emirates region is somehow little harsh from other countries because of the diversified atmosphere of that country and the large amount of vehicles running daily from one destination to other. There are more than hundreds of offences which are made under the rule which involves handsome amount of money which is t o be given by the culprit if he/she found guilty of any one of them.There are some examples which could be given to show you how strict is the government of UAE * Not wearing seat belt there is a fine of 100 AED * If there is some change found in the fundamental of engine without permit then a fine of 400 AED * Driving a vehicle which is creating lots of pollution then there is a fine of 300 AED * Driving without number plate then there is fine of 200 AED * Overloading can charge an individual with 200 AED Driving a vehicle which is not having a license from license authority could be charged with a toll of 200 AED. So above points describing fine are some of the fines which have described here very shortly instead they are having a big list of them. The system is introduced with a purpose of reducing the irrelevant trafficking and reduction of accidents which are taking place in the country at the faster rate. Radar System- Various countries are adopting high tech facilities to con trol the rate of accidents which is touching the sky.There are technical gadgets which are available in the market which could detect the speed of a vehicle from few kilometers before which could help in controlling the speeds of the vehicle which is the main reason for the accidents. For example there is radar installed somewhere at the place on highway which used to keep track of the speed of ongoing vehicles and if found some vehicle is running at the speed which too high then the censors of radar will give the indication about it.This system and other various measures which have been initialized by the government have reduced the rate of accidents which were taking place earlier. You will be shocked through the stats that death due to road accidents in Dubai has fallen short by 27 percent in the first nine months of the last year which are the figures being given by the Road and Transport Authority (RTA). There has been loads of effort being given by the UAE ministry of Interior in making the roads safer for the pedestrians and the motorists. Black Points-This system is introduced basically in the UAE in which there are points given on the basis of breaking the rules or committing any mistakes during driving along with the fine being charged. These points collectively if crosses a standard limit which has been specified by the government could result into cancellation of the driving license or could be even worse than that by cancelling the license of the vehicle and taking the vehicle into their custody. So these were few measures which are being taken by the government of UAE at the superior level to prevail UAE as the Best Global cities in the world by 2015.There is a signing of memorandum between Road and Transport Authority (RTA) and the ministry to involve road safety in the top agenda and to increase improving the driving standards and the safety measures which are being took by the people. Alternative Policy- The policies which are been introduced by the government or some of them which are in the line are discussed in the above topics but the help or the measures which an individual could take has its own preferences. There are some policies which could be added in the list of the safety rules can help hem a lot to somehow decrease the accidents being taking place at the highway or on the streets. There should be launching of nation wide campaigns which could help in providing information regarding the road safety measures being adopted and to make people aware of the rules which are being introduced in the rule books. There are around 11551 injuries and simultaneous deaths on the streets of Dubai and there are 17 deaths which took place weekly in Dubai which is quite shocking with the stats.There are websites which conduct online test to test the knowledge of the road laws of the people which have another purpose also which is to make aware people about various laws and protective measures which they can take while driving. There should be formation of different associations which could take part in making the rules of road safety implemented in every part of the country and help the government in reducing the rate of accidents and which should provide various new invented measures which could be implemented and will be helpful in decreasing the rate of accidents, the government should take these type of ideas.There is very sharp division on the speed breakers which are situated on the highways could be placed with the forewarning boards and properly colored which could be seen from a distance but the travelers feel that speed breakers are not necessary on the highways but the villagers which understands the necessity of the breakers for their safety from the fast running vehicles. So these ways we have seen the division of mentality. There should be jurisdictional restriction on speed limit of different types of vehicle which are running like anything on the roads or highways resulting into very bad accidents.There should be some technically installment of the limit of speed which could be set accordingly to the traffic running at that place. The criteria of providing license should be made harsher which could only give chance to the perfect drivers which could provide a better chance of decreasing the accident rate. There should be various level of testing the driving of an individual which result in total inspection of the people that how much they know and is it safer to give them license to drive vehicle. The Non-Governing Organizations (NGOs) should come in front to put extra effort on the safety measures being introduced by the government.There are mechanical failures which could occur in vehicle apart from it there are mainly driver's fault which could result in severe massive accidents resulting into loss of many lives with them. Nowadays people are consuming alcohol and driving vehicle which could result into serious accident so the policy should be made to check the a lcohol consumption which should not be found more than a standard level as set by the government. There are cops which are posted at some place on the highways to check for these types of faults with breath taking machines which indicates if there is overconsumption of alcohol.Sometimes there are accidents which occur due to improper sign boards being placed on the roads. The proper planning of city could make a city free from accident which can be made by taking such types of protective measures such as sidewalks should be made to avoid walking on the roads which could decrease in the road hitting cases in the city, the crossing which is made should be made more uplifted to save pedestrian, there should be the facility for separate lanes for the two wheeler, three wheeler vehicles which can travel in only one row to avoid the risk of accidents.The activities like talking on cell phone, listening to music while driving should be avoided by an individual by themselves which could ser iously harm their lives and is termed as very dangerous. The government should walk through every rural and urban area to educate the people and launch campaign at very big level to involve as many people as it can so that more and more people are being introduced to the new technologies which are rapidly being involved in the traffic rules.There should be collaboration which could be made with other countries to improve the conditions which is at present, more and more conferences should be organized within country to establish a base of road safety and there should be exchange of information and ideas between different people having different mindset which could help in building more ideas regarding safety of the people of the country. The road design is also sometimes responsible for the accidents which should be made properly.In some researches it has been shown that proper design and maintenance, with well designed intersections, proper installation of traffic control devices c ould make significant improvement in the rates of accidents. There should be no mechanical default in the vehicle which is actually 5% of the accidents which take place but there should adequate measures which should be taken by individual like proper wearing of seatbelts, time to time service of the vehicle to avoid any risk during long run and other measures which should be taken by the drivers to drive safely on the highways which is the place of aving maximum risk of accident. The driver which is driving a car should be well educated enough to identify the roadside signboards to minimize human error so that risk of accident from human side decreases as low it can be. Conclusion- The car accidents are taking place at frequent rate in the country like United Arab of Emirate where number of highway are more which increases the rate of accident, the protective measure should be taken by an individual while driving a vehicle which has been introduced in above points.There are various policies which are introduced by the government to decrease the alarming situation of the rate of accidents occurring in UAE. There are stats which are shocking about the deaths of the people occurred during the accidents, these can only be improved when there is an initialization from every person of the nation and if full support is achieved by the government of the country then there are chances to calm down the temperature of the rate of accident occurring at highway. Read more:  http://www. businessteacher. org. uk/free-management-essays/road-accident. php#ixzz2OL0YNSNs

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How To Do Facebook Video Marketing The Right Way - CoSchedule Blog

How To Do Facebook Video Marketing The Right Way Blog Facebook is doubling down on video. In fact, 32 billion  views  per day on Facebook.   That’s a mind-blowing statistic, right? The implications for content marketers and social media managers is clear. We need to be investing in video content. But, if youre not a professional videographer, then how do you get started? That’s what we’ll cover in this post. Why Should You Care About Facebook Video? The amount of video watched on Facebook is hard to ignore. That isn’t the only reason why video is important on Facebook, though. There’s also the issue of declining organic reach on the platform. The newsfeed algorithm now makes it harder to earn high organic reach. If video content is particularly popular, however, then there may be an opportunity for content creators to capitalize. If you weren’t feeling the urgency to get started before, you should be now.How To Do Facebook Video Marketing The Right WayStill not convinced? Here are some more fast facts about Facebook video: Get More Mileage Out Of Your Videos With Features From Video content takes effort to create. So, why not make the most of your hard work? With 's robust social sharing features, getting maximum mileage from your video posts is easy. Social Video allows you to upload your videos straight to your calendar and publish them all in one spot: After you've created your post, schedule it to send at the best time automatically with  Best Time Scheduling: Finally, stop manually re-scheduling your videos and let ReQueue take care of it for you: Best of all, you can try all this stuff out free for 14 days! Start your trial below (and put the advice in this post into practice). Facebook Video Marketing Mechanics And Best Practices Before we run full steam ahead, let’s get our footing first. Which Video File Types Are Supported? Facebook recommends .MP4 and .MOV files. However, those aren’t your only options. Find every supported format here or use this cheat sheet: Is Native Facebook Video Better Than Posting YouTube Links? Facebook prefers video directly uploaded onto its platform. This may be because it sees itself in competition with YouTube. Directly uploading your video makes it easier for its algorithm to put your video in front of an interested audience. This means your video uploaded directly might get more views, shares, and comments. In fact, a study done  by quintly  found that native Facebook videos received 186% higher interaction rates than YouTube videos as of December 2016. On #Facebook, native video appears to outperform YouTube links.However, native Facebook video tends to have a shorter shelf life. According to Videomaker, However, by the same token, Facebook posts have a shorter lifespan. In the stream-like flow of the news feed, once a video stops getting likes and shares it quickly sinks to the bottom, rarely to be heard from again. It’s hard to search for old Facebook videos and linking to them directly is problematic. These are huge hurdles. There may be times where either Facebook or YouTube may be best for your video. Figure out which one is best in your case by asking a few questions: Will people care about this video a month from now? If not, the advantage goes to Facebook. Is this video evergreen (meaning it has long-term appeal)? If so, the advantage goes to YouTube. Is this video more than a couple minutes long? This could go either way, but you many want to default to YouTube in this case, for reasons we’ll touch on next. TIP: Remember, you can always upload videos to both Facebook and YouTube, too. What Are Facebook's Video Length Requirements? The maximum length for video on Facebook is 45 minutes. However,  according to Tubular Insights, the best length for engagement is around 1:30. Facebook recommends focusing on storytelling, rather than video length. According to Facebook Business, Video length is less important than telling a cohesive and concise story. Your video ad shouldn’t be longer or shorter than it takes to tell your story well, so create a storytelling arc from the first frame to the last that keeps your audience interested along the way. So, how long should your video be? The answer varies, but here are some general suggestions: In general, keep your videos short and to the point. If you have a longer video, consider breaking it up into short, easily digestible episodes. Pay attention to your Facebook video analytics (more on this later on). See what works best. Then, repeat. Facebook videos under two minutes perform best.What Kinds Of Videos Should I Shoot? There are all kinds of different video categories you could create. How do you know which types of videos your audience will like best? The answer will depend on your audience. Here are some ideas to get you thinking: How-to videos. Consider creating quick videos demonstrating how to perform a task. Entertaining videos. These could include videos based on memes, animals doing something goofy, or whatever your imagination can dream up. Behind-the-scenes videos. What’s it like to work at your company? Could you offer a behind-the-scenes look at how you created something (like a cool piece of content or an event)? Product demonstrations. Show off how your product or service works. Customer testimonials.  Anyone can talk themselves up. Someone else singing your praises is better. Live video. Live video is Facebook's latest video content type that allows users to broadcast video updates straight to your profile page. Your only limit is your creativity. When it comes to Facebook video, you're limited only by your creativity.What Equipment Do I Need? This depends on your budget. Facebook recommends investing in quality production. If you can afford it, it’s best not to go cheap. A great video idea, combined with polish and effort, can generate incredible results. What if you don’t have access to a production team, though? You’re not out of luck. Select Your Camera Type If you’re shooting video on your own, your first step is gathering equipment. Smartphone. Most smartphones can shoot hi-res video. They may not produce professional-quality results. However, this option can work well enough in a pinch. This guide from MakeUseOf has tons of information on shooting quality smartphone video. Digital SLR. Many professional-quality still cameras can shoot awesome video too. Expect to spend at least $500 for a decent entry-level digital SLR. Handicam. If you’re able to spend a few hundred dollars, an amateur digital camcorder may be enough to get started with. Professional video camera. If you have an in-house videographer, they will probably ask (nay, demand) you invest in professional equipment. Don’t argue with them. Just give them what they need. Getting gear to do #Facebook #video #marketing doesn't have to be expensive.Select Your Mic Audio quality shouldn’t be overlooked here. Smartphone microphone. Smartphone condenser mics can improve your audio quality for not too much money. There appear to be more options available for iOS, which may be something to keep in mind if you’re an Android user. Camera microphone. Like most things, you get what you pay for here. Start at $50 and go up from there. Select Your Tripod A tripod can make a major difference in keeping video stable. Smartphone tripod. A small smartphone tripod can go a long way toward shooting better video. Alternately, consider using a smartphone adapter for a full-size tripod. Monopod. These one-legged tripod alternatives are affordable and lightweight. Actual tripod. The most expensive option. Not coincidentally, this is also the best option. TIP: Don't underestimate the value of a quality tripod. It can make an enormous difference between having a stable shot, or a rocky video.] How Should I Shoot My Video? Never shot video before? No problem! You don’t need to be the next Spielberg to shoot decent videos (although it does help to have experience). Shoot Mobile Video Vertically This goes against old-school best practice of shooting in landscape view. However, vertical videos look better on mobile devices. When shooting video on your phone, go vertical. This will produce the best results for people on their phones. Shoot mobile video vertically, rather than horizontally, for easier mobile viewing.Remember The Rule Of Thirds The idea behind the Rule Of Thirds  is to split your frame into thirds along a 9x9 grid. This helps produce balanced shots that look visually appealing. Fit Your Subject In The Frame This is pretty basic. Show people above the waist. Don’t cut off heads or arms in the frame. Make sure people can see what’s happening clearly. Here's a quick example I just shot on my phone: The subject is positioned off-center (following the Rule of Thirds), with everything in the frame, and nothing cut out of the shot. Make The First Few Seconds Attention-Grabbing People scrolling through their news feed have short attention spans. Make your first few seconds count. According to Facebook, you've got about three seconds to hook your viewer into your video. Even then, only 65% will continue into the next ten seconds.   In other words, leave out dramatic build-ups or introductions, and get right to the point. Creating #Facebook video? Skip dramatic build-ups and get right to the point.How Should I Promote My Facebook Videos? You’ve shot your video. Now, how do you get people to watch it? Start with these tips. Write Strong Post Copy Include videos in your posts, and write copy that entices views. Here are a few ways to do this: Write a post that asks a question, while implying the video has the answer. This can get people interested in watching the video. Hype up your video. Get people excited to watch. Write in a way that inspires curiosity. If you want to make sure that you're nailing your messages and encouraging fans to watch your video, try our Social Message Optimizer. To start, type in a draft of your post, hit the video button, and select  Score My Message: Select Facebook and scroll down for an overview of what your message does well, and what could use some improvement: As you continue down the page, you'll see suggestions on how you can improve your message and boost your score: Scroll back up to the top of your page to edit and re-score your message: Recommended Reading: How to Write For Social Media to Create the Best Posts Embed Video From Facebook Elsewhere Did you know you can embed Facebook videos on web pages? It works similar to embedding video from YouTube. That means you can easily embed your Facebook videos in blog posts or static web pages. Simply click the arrow in the upper right corner of any video. Then, click Embed: Next, you’ll see an embed code: If you’d like to include the entire post (and not just the video), click the box. It's worth noting this method will embed your video in an iframe. These can potentially break RSS feeds. If you'd like to avoid this potential issue, click Embed Video. Then, click Advanced Settings to bring up the Embed Video Player Configurator. Next, click Get Code: Finally, follow the on-screen directions to copy and paste the Javascript code into the right places. If you're using WordPress, switch to  Text view and paste the top code at the top of your page: The end result looks like this: Sound FX: Packers vs. ChiefsThe #Packers look pretty amped up for the preseason finale! #GBvsKC Posted by Green Bay Packers on Thursday, September 1, 2016 Done! TIP: Know someone who might be interested in your video? Send them the embed code too. They just might put it somewhere on their own site. Add A Featured Video To Your Facebook Page Have a video you really want people to see? Feature it on your page. Visit your Facebook page. Then, click Videos: Next, click Add Featured Video: You’ll then be able to choose from any of your uploaded videos: Your video will then display under the About section on your profile’s main page. Here’s an example of what this looks like: Use Facebook Featured Videos to enhance your brand page.Upload A Video As Your Cover Photo To Make Your Profile Pack A Punch Did you know you can make your cover image a video? Social Fire Media  found that cover videos should include: A video that is 820x462 pixels wide. Video should be between 20 to 90 seconds in length. To upload a video as your cover photo go to your Facebook business page: Select  Change Cover  and Choose From Videos  or  Upload Video: Select the video you want to use as your cover photo: Click confirm, and your video should replace your cover photo. Consider Video Advertising Or Paying For Promotion Paying to promote your video, or turning your video into an ad, can help drive more reach and views. Just be sure to follow Facebook’s design guidelines for video ads. We also recommended reading Wordstream’s guide on using Facebook ads  too. Recommended Reading: Facebook Marketing Strategy: Why You Need One ( How to Build It) How Can I Drive More Traffic From Facebook Video? Facebook recently removed call-to-action links from native videos. However, there are still ways to drive traffic back to your site with your video content. Let’s walk through a couple simple tips. Include Links In Your Post Copy You can still include a link in your post copy accompanying your video. This simple detail is easy to overlook. Tag Other Accounts Mentioned In Your Video If your video references other companies, personalities, or anyone with a Facebook page, consider tagging them. This will help your video get distribution in their fan’s news feeds too. How Can I Measure My Success? Facebook video marketing is a lot of work. It’s important to know if your efforts are paying off. Data and analytics can show if you’re meeting your goals. They can also inform your strategy, showing what’s working, and what needs improvement. Fortunately, Facebook offers robust analytics functionality with Facebook Insights. Visit your page, and click Insights: Then click Videos on the left: Here, you can see: Total minutes of video viewed. Number of video views. Change over time. You can also see detailed analytics for individual videos: Select the video that you want to see stats around, and you'll see a full breakdown of all of the analytics for your video: If you're looking for even more social media analysis check out 's Social Engagement Report: How Should I Set Facebook Video Marketing Goals? Follow the SMART goals framework: So, that’s how you set goals. Now, which metrics should you track? Here are some possible options: Engagement. Are people liking and sharing your videos? Are they leaving comments too? Views. How many people are watching your videos, and for how long? Traffic. Are your videos linking back to your blog or website? If so, how much traffic are they driving? Follower growth. If you’re paying for video ads, are those ads helping you reach a new audience and expanding your Facebook following? Revenue. If you’re running video ads that direct to an ecommerce page or signup form, how much money are you earning from those conversions? TIP: Don't skip measurement. If you want budget to shoot more video, you'll probably need to show your boss why it's worthwhile. Data can do that for you. How Can I Schedule And Publish My Facebook Videos? Great question. recently launched our new social video functionality. It’s now possible to schedule social media video posts for Facebook within our app. (You can also schedule videos on Twitter too, but that’s another topic for another time.)

Monday, October 21, 2019

Blue Whales essays

Blue Whales essays The Blue whale is the largest creature of the sea, in fact, it is the largest creature known to man. Contrary to what most people think, even though Blue whales live in the sea, they are mammals. They breathe air, have their babies born alive and can live anywhere from 30 to 70 years. The Blue whale is a baleen whale, and instead of having teeth, Blue whales have around 300-400 baleen plates in their mouths. They fall under the category of the rorquals, which are the largest of the baleen family. The scientific name of the Blue whale is, Balsenoptera musculus. Key Words: Balaenoptera musculus, Suborder Mysticeti, balaenoptera intermedia, balaenoptera brevicauds, baleen whale, rorqual, calf, sulfur bottom, Sibbalds Rorqual, Great Northern Rorqual, gulpers, blowholes, blubber, oil, keratin, krill, copepods, plankton, orcas, endangered Whales are separated into two groups, the baleen and the toothed whales. The blue whale is the largest baleen whale and the largest animal that ever lived on Earth, including the largest dinosaurs. Baleen are rows of coarse, bristle-like fibers used to strain plankton from the water. Baleen is made of keratin, the same material as our fingernails. They live in pods, the have two blowholes. The blue whale has a 2-14 inch (5-30cm) thick layer of blubber. Blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) are baleen whales (Suborder Mysticeti). They are one of 76 species and are marine mammals. The Blue whale is called a rorqual, a Norwegian word for furrow referring to the pleated grooves running from its chin to its naval. The pleated throat grooves allow the Blue whales throat to expand during the huge intake of water during filter feeding; they can hold 1,000 tons or more of food and water when fully expanded (Small 1971). Blue whales have 50-70 throat grooves. Blue whales grow up to about 80 feet (25m) long on average, weighing about 120 tons. Th...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

List of Academic Geography Journals

List of Academic Geography Journals What follows is a listing of important academic journals devoted to geography. You should be able to find most in large academic (university) libraries at universities that include geography departments.   General U.S. Annals of the Association of American GeographersFocusGeographical ReviewJournal of GeographyLandscapeNational Geographic ResearchNational Geographic MagazineProfessional Geographer General International AreaAustralian GeographerAustralian Geographical StudiesCanadian GeographerCanadian GeographicGeoforumGeographicalGeographyGeographical Journal of RGSGeoJournalInstitute of British Geographers. TransactionsNew Zealand GeographerNew Zealand Journal of Geography Human Geography Economic GeographyEnvironment and Planning D: Society and SpaceGeografiska Annaler. Series B. Human GeographyJournal of Cultural GeographyJournal of Historical GeographyPolitical GeographyProgress in Human GeographyUrban Geography Human Geography Related Annals of Tourism ResearchAsian and Pacific Migration JournalDemographyEconomic Development and Cultural ChangeEkisticsHuman EcologyJournal of Regional ScienceJournal of the American Institute of PlannersLand EconomicsLandscape and Urban PlanningNationalities PapersPopulation and Development ReviewInternational Journal of Population GeographyInternational Migration ReviewPlanningRegional Science and Urban EconomicsRegional StudiesSocial Science and Medicine D: Medical GeographyUrban Affairs QuarterlyUrban AnthropologyUrban Studies Physical Geography Atmosphere-OceanBoundary-Layer MeteorologyBulletin of the American Meteorological SocietyEarth Surface Processes and LandformsGeografiska Annaler. Series A. Physical GeographyJournal of the Atmospheric SciencesJournal of BiogeographyJournal of ClimateJournal of Climate and Applied MeteorologyJournal of HydrologyMeteorology and Atmospheric PhysicsMeteorological MagazineMonthly Weather ReviewPhysical GeographyProgress in Physical GeographyQuarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological SocietyTheoretical and Applied ClimatologyWeatherWeatherwiseWorld Meteorology Organization BulletinZeitschrift fur GeomorphologieZeitschrift fur Meteorologie Physical Geography Related Advances in HydroscienceBiological ConservationBulletin of the Geological Society of AmericaCanadian Journal of the Earth SciencesCatenaEarth ScienceEarth Science ReviewsThe EcologistEcologyEnvironmentEnvironmental EthicsEnvironmental PollutionInternational Journal of Environmental StudiesJournal of GlaciologyJournal of Sedimentary PetrologyMazingiraQuarternary ResearchWater Resources BulletinWater Resources ResearchJournal of Soil and Water ConservationJournal of the Soil Science Society of AmericaRestoration EcologyWild Earth Other - Technique/Approach AntipodeApplied GeographyCartographic JournalCartographicaCartographyCartography and Geographic Information SystemsGeographical AnalysisGeoworldImago MundiITC JournalPhotogrammetric Engineering and Remote SensingWorld Cartography Region-Based Annals of Arid ZonesArcticArctic and Alpine ResearchAustralian Meteorology MagazineChina GeographerGeographica PolanicaPolar RecordPost-Soviet Geography

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Confucius Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Confucius - Essay Example It is wrong to leave this path for instant since a path that you are free to leave can never be the true path (Waley & Allen, 2000). In this account, the superior man is cautious and careful with respect to where he focuses his attention and is regarded. Humankind must thus give their mind to what is worth listening to and is worth saying. That superior man should always be watchful even when alone (Wing-Tsit, 2005). He contends that, when there are no stirrings of pleasure, anger, sorrow, or joy, the mind is in a state of equilibrium. On the other hand, when these feelings are stirred, and act in their due degree, the resultant is the state of harmony. That equilibrium is the root where acts of humanity grow. On the other hand, harmony is the path that guides them, such that when equilibrium and harmony exists in perfection, a happy order prevails throughout heaven and earth, and all things are nourished (Waley & Allen, 2000). Confucius contends that, the path of learning is to illuminate the goodness in man, to bring out what is best in people and to achieve the highest excellence. That once the true point of departure on this path is found thoughts becomes clear. Calmness yields peace needed for deliberations and such deliberations yield desired goals. He proceeds on this line of thought that to exhibit goodness in kingdoms, first order well, the states, which are for rulers. That it will follow to families, then the person rectifies their hearts. To do this, they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts by first extending to the utmost of their knowledge, and this lay in investigation of things. With rounded knowledge, as he espouses, then sincere thoughts, and rectified hearts, persons rectified and cultivated, order is brought to their families, to states rightly governed, and the whole kingdom is tranquil and happy. Here, he contends that cultivation of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Adolescent Sexual Activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Adolescent Sexual Activity - Essay Example In his article â€Å"Risk Behaviors - Teen Pregnancy - Programs, Sex, Sexual, Contraception, Percent, and Services† (2011), Douglas Kirby identifies the following five factors as contributing to teen pregnancy by causing the sexually active teenagers to refrain from using contraception. He cites: â€Å"when teens have permissive attitudes toward premarital sex,† â€Å"lack confidence to avoid sex or to use contraception consistently,† â€Å" lack adequate knowledge about contraception,† â€Å"have negative attitudes toward contraception,† â€Å" are ambivalent about pregnancy and childbearing,† â€Å"...then they are more likely to engage in sex without contraception.† (Kirby, 2011) In analyzing these factors, they can be related to both situational sexual encounters as well as cognitive value systems in teens that engage in pre-marital sex. ‘Permissive attitudes’ is a cognitive or value system in the individuals involved that determine the development of the relationship through sexual encounters. These encounters are either the result of long-term, loving, and wholesome relationships or are casual, disposable, and part of the learning process through which sexual identity is formed in the process of adult maturation. Through the sexual experimentation with different types of relationships and partners, the person of either gender comes to a deeper understanding of their own personal needs in a relationship or in partner support. This assists in making more consequential and long-standing family commitments. The hyper-stimulation of the culture through sexual imagery in media, sexually predatory social role-playing and stereotypes, or advertising that fuels desire and insecurity simultaneously to sell products may condition a population to extreme behavior abruptly or progressively over time by changing moral standards and patterns of behavior. The teen pregnancy rate in the U.S. can be seen as an à ¢â‚¬Å"unwanted† aspect of the sexual activity that occurs at a young age and restricts the further social opportunities of the parent. The effect of the social stigmatization is expected to fall more severely on the girl who must bear the biological burden of pregnancy. If the relationship is loving and leads to marriage, even at an early age, it is accepted socially and the best is hoped for the long-term sustainability of the couple. Yet, realistically, the high divorce rate among young couples and the burdens of single parenthood are among the largest reasons teenage pregnancy is discouraged. Generally, teens are not recognized as mature socially to be effective parents, despite the fact that innumerable teenage mothers in the U.S. historically and around the world have done very well building families through teenage pregnancies. The development of modern, liberal conceptions of identity through feminism and progression in education has created a different role for modern women that discourage the traditional aspects of teen marriage and pregnancy practiced traditionally as â€Å"backward†.  Ã‚  

-Issues with Chinesse Made goods (toys, food) Research Paper

-Issues with Chinesse Made goods (toys, food) - Research Paper Example orted recall of Stuffed Fun balls, during June 2006 to March 2007, from dollar and other discount stores; as these baby toys contained dangerous level of lead in the paint used by the Chinese maker. Similarly many ‘children’s turquoise rings’ were recalled by the Central Distributing Company of Maryland, during May 2007, as the same contained dangerous levels of lead.(Jefferson, 2007) The wheat gluten that was imported into America from China has been found responsible for the contamination of food products that killed huge number of pets and dogs, during 2007. However, media reports inform that the person responsible for allowing the export of such food product was arrested and executed by the Chinese government. The Chinese company exporting contaminated wheat gluten for human and animal consumption has been banned by the US government. Fortunately no large scale human tragedy was reported, due to such contamination.(Vujsa, 2007) In view of the ever increasing rejection of Chinese goods, due to above and other reasons, many Chinese business houses have incorporated corporate social responsibility and global law-abidance in their business models. The same include guarantee of high quality products and services by the business enterprises, among other issues.(Zhihai, 2007) Zhihai Zheng, â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility†, International Management Review, Vol. 3 No. 1 2007, accessed on 8th March 2011 at:

Thursday, October 17, 2019

My Role in Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My Role in Leadership - Essay Example Few concepts are more crucial to the human organization than leadership. Efficient leadership helps organizations in times of peril, making the set up more successful and receptive to change. Doing things effectively while influencing others enables the fulfilling of the set down objectives. It is essentially the backbone of productivity. The absence of efficiency in leadership proves to have dramatic effects. Because of good leadership skills, it is not easy to lose track of what is important. Much of the challenges that are associated with leadership success lies with decision making and implies that complete and accurate decision making ensures prosperity. What are you going to do next? What issues, questions, and dilemmas are you going to explore further? Why and how? How will this influence who you are and how you relate to others? It will be important to influence the thoughts, attitudes, behavior and inspire others as a good leader. As a leader, I will set directions for my peers and help them focus on what lies ahead. Through this forecasting, a good visualization of what is achievable will be evident. Without this visualization of the benefits associated with the good leadership, it is likely that our way of organizing things will easily degenerate into conflict and argument. An effective execution of leadership will ensure that my personal perception by others is greatly influenced by the enormous benefits of respect.   This is a good way of staying relevant to my peers as encourage and instill positive values in them.

Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Speech - Essay Example As Danier specializes in the quality and expertise they put into their products, I would say that it would be best for them to position their company as a premium leather store that will bank on genuine leather materials and stick to a realistic premium pricing. I strongly believe that this will drive more sales as it will be more attractive to people who have affinity with leather products and will not create any doubts on the quality especially because real leather is practically priced premium. This will also drive loyalty once customers see that the products offered do not in any way compromise quality. I will measure the success of the campaign that centers on a strong brand positioning aside from sales monitoring by coming up with a loyalty privilege account where customers who see themselves doing constant business with Danier instead of a one-time purchase only can avail of this by just purchasing the loyalty privilege digital card which in turn will give them access to promos and discounts. This will surely push for future purchases by a strong niche of leather lover

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

My Role in Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My Role in Leadership - Essay Example Few concepts are more crucial to the human organization than leadership. Efficient leadership helps organizations in times of peril, making the set up more successful and receptive to change. Doing things effectively while influencing others enables the fulfilling of the set down objectives. It is essentially the backbone of productivity. The absence of efficiency in leadership proves to have dramatic effects. Because of good leadership skills, it is not easy to lose track of what is important. Much of the challenges that are associated with leadership success lies with decision making and implies that complete and accurate decision making ensures prosperity. What are you going to do next? What issues, questions, and dilemmas are you going to explore further? Why and how? How will this influence who you are and how you relate to others? It will be important to influence the thoughts, attitudes, behavior and inspire others as a good leader. As a leader, I will set directions for my peers and help them focus on what lies ahead. Through this forecasting, a good visualization of what is achievable will be evident. Without this visualization of the benefits associated with the good leadership, it is likely that our way of organizing things will easily degenerate into conflict and argument. An effective execution of leadership will ensure that my personal perception by others is greatly influenced by the enormous benefits of respect.   This is a good way of staying relevant to my peers as encourage and instill positive values in them.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Land law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Land law - Essay Example The major factor that will be taken into consideration by the Courts is how the Covenant is drafted. In the case of Martin v David Wilson Homes ltd2, the use of the word â€Å"a† in the covenant denoted a greater deal of flexibility than the use of the word â€Å"one† in the case of Crest Nicholson v McAllister3, where the Covenant was deemed to be fully enforceable. In this case, the drafting of the Covenant is very clear that the property is not to be used to set up licensed premises such as a bar and will be strictly enforceable, especially because it is also registered, and therefore negate the young couple’s purpose in purchasing the property. If Maggie and Dave choose to ignore the restrictive covenant and continue with building a bar on the premises, it could be demolished, as was the case in Mortimer and Another v Bailey and Another4, a restrictive covenant was successfully enforced to demolish a building. However working in their favor is the recent case of Sugarman and Porter and Others5 where an existing restrictive covenant on a property was deemed to be valid only up to the period the land remained unsold. In order for a restrictive covenant to be enforceable against subsequent owners such as Maggie and Dave, the land benefiting from the Covenant must be identifiable, but in this case the neighboring land belongs to a brewery which is not likely to benefit from the restrictive covenant against a bar on the premises. It is not immediately clear who can press for enforcement of this restrictive covenant, which was the same issue raised in the case of Crest.6 Maggie and Dave can also invoke the provisions of Section 84 of the Land and property Act of 1925, under which the Lands Tribunal may modify or discharge a restrictive covenant on a freehold title where over 40 years have passed. An application can be made by the young couple on the grounds that the existing covenant is an obstruction on the reasonable use of the property which

Choosing a Secondary Storage Essay Example for Free

Choosing a Secondary Storage Essay Introduction Nowadays, data is the lifeblood for today’s digital organization. The integrity, availability and the protection of the date are vital to a business productivity and successfulness, therefore storage solutions are still the priority in IT budgets. GJ Consultation Sdn Bhd currently is facing a storage problem. Their storage system performance’s bottlenecks having a serious impact on their business productivity. The sluggish primary storage performance and maintenance issue were slowing down the company’s response to customer request which affecting the overall business productivity. Besides, their backup solution was becoming difficult to effectively protect date within ever shrinking back up window. Thus GJ Consultation Sdn Bhd now needed to search for a secondary storage which can solve all the problems. They require a storage that can optimize storage response time, ensure disaster recovery, implement a highly solution and the most important is to ensure a better access to customer date and protect more than 100TB of data without adding heavy cost and complex management. The era of data and information clearly shows that there is a rising demand for more storage. There are a numbers of options available in the market. The most prevalent would be direct-attached storage (DAS), network-attached storage (NAS) and storage area network (SAN). There is no one is the best for everyone. It is important to focus on the specific needs and the business goals of the organization. Therefore, there are several factors to consider which include capacity, performance, reliability, data protection and budget concerns. We will look into that in more detail later. Many people will argue that SAN are more powerful that NAS, but for GJ Consultation Sdn Bhd, I suggest that the Network Attached Storage (NAS) would be the most suitable storage solution to solve their storage problems. The factors that affecting of choose a secondary storage will be discussed in the next section. NAS is a data storage systems with a specialized hardware and software attached to a network. NAS products is an information data storage server, they have converged to serve all in one servers for date based applications. A NAS is to provide storage and access to data. Picture 1.1 show the Network-attached storage. 2.0 Factors affecting of choosing a secondary storage A storage solution can be defined as a hardware whose main function is to store and sharing data or information. There are many types of storage with many different functions. The storage for business usually is in the form of servers. To choose a right storage for your business, there are several factors that need to be considering when choosing storage which include reliability, capacity and scalability, the budget concern. Capacity The first factor that need to taken into consideration when choosing storage is the capacity of the storage. It is very important that we should very clear that what is the size and scope of the data that you want to store and what capacity is needed to store it? The firm should choose the storage which suitable for the organization or business purpose and functions. The firm should also consider the types of data to store and the frequency of access the data when choosing a storage. NAS systems can provide many terabytes of storage in high density. GJ Consultation Sdn Bhd is a consulting firm which provides services in finance and business strategy to leading law firms and government agencies. They have a lot of date that need to store and share with customer which some of it might sensitive. Therefore it is suggested that they should choose a file-level storage. A NAS device is a single storage unit best suited for file-level storage connected directly to network. NAS often configures especially for file- sharing. Performance Speed Different storage will have different return rate of speeds for data. If the date store is monthly use, means that you no need the fastest storage; if the date store will be use very frequently, is better to choose the fast performance storage. Knowing this can help you save in cost. A business normally will look for a better file access speed. GJ Consultation might need a fast performance storage since they are providing consultant services to customers which the date stored might be use frequently and need to response to customers very quickly. Transfer speed over the network is the primary indicator of a NAS because it uses file-level protocol when uploading or downloading large files. NAS can provide performance benefits. For example, NAS can take over the work of serving the email data, freeing resources on the email server for email-specific processes. Scalability Scalability is important in terms of both computing power and storage capacity. The performance and capacity should scale independently of one another. Scalability is important because the ability of the storage would need to be expanded in future in order to cope with increased use. NAS is a suitable storage which suggested for GJ Consultation Sdn Bhd because it is easy to set up and easy to use, even a non IT based staff can manage the NAS. Reliability Reliability of storage also is one of the factors which is very important and need to be concerned. Reliability is important because the loss of data and downtime can lead to loss in revenue and threaten the survival of the business. In today’s world, most of the people demand a highly reliability, shared storage device that is accessible to multiple network devices. NAS is the newer version of storage after DAS (data-attached storage), it use of highest-performing drives with premium components that been qualified to extreme premium environment. NAS is suitable for GJ Consultation Sdn Bhd since it produce the most reliable and highest-performance data storage solution. NAS is same reliable with normal server. From the storage functional system, concepts are equally. They both can act as server. Even lower end NAS systems have the high reliability features such as RAID and hot swappable drives and components. Cost or budget concern Usually is the main concern of an organization to purchase a certain products or services. Cost in here not only means the equipment cost, but management and maintenance cost as well. Management and maintenance cost at here meaning that the cost to maintain the storage, the cost to hire the IT consultant to give training on the ways to use the storage and so on. GJ Consultation Sdn Bhd is having a storage problem and they want to buy a suitable storage which can help them solve the problem they are facing currently without adding heavy cost for their business. Here, it is suggested to the firm that network-attached storage (NAS) would be a suitable storage solution which is less expensive if compare to others. The management and maintenance cost is lower also because NAS is easy to set up and easy to use. Security The firms have a lot of date and some of the data might be sensitive which relate to legal need to be store and share between customers, thus data protection can be one of the factors that need to be taking into consideration also. NAS provides data protection benefits in data protection plan and provide redundant storage for sensitive data. Every NAS appliance includes user security to allow or restrict file access based on username and passwords. Management Management here means the administrator who in charge of the storage solution. He need to be aware of the challenges that might be arise for the solution and consider what are the monitoring tools are available to monitor performance and warn for the possible failures. The storage should not be too complex to manage in order to save the cost of management and maintenance. 3.0 Advantages of seeking a higher performing storage A secondary storage device for computers are not only for storing back up files, they also allow computers users to expand their ability to transfer a large amounts of data from one computer to another. For GJ Consultation Sdn Bhd, as I mention earlier, the suggested storage that most suitable if the Network Attached Storage (NAS). There are several advantages of seeking a higher performing storage which suggested here. Mass Storage The capacity of the secondary storage is very high that allow us to store a large amount of data. We can store the data into the secondary storage in the form of gigabyte and terabytes. In that case, we can back up the all data easily and need not worry for losing data. Usually an organization will have plenty of data that need to be stored to support the business operations. For this, the primary storage would not be able to do it. NAS provide an efficient of sharing a large individual files among individual users. NAS can store and manage the data up to terabytes level. Besides, NAS allowed us to add more storage without shutting down the network. Reliability Security It is considered safe that storing data into the secondary storage. The data can be store in the secondary storage which is the NAS in permanent form. Therefore the firm no needs to worry of loss of data or lack of data even after many years later. NAS provide data protection benefits so that it is safe to store the sensitive data. This is one of the advantages by choosing NAS because GJ Consultation Sdn Bhd is handle highly sensitive data. The data stored on live database server will be stored to NAS in the same time so that the data will exist even if the database server faced physical failure. Performance The computer could have a better performance with adding a secondary storage. This can help users to increase the speed of storing data, access data or transferring data which indirectly increase the productivity of the firm. With a secondary storage, the computer of the organization can fully operate effectively. Performance of serving files can be increase by a NAS because NAS included file-system storage. NAS is a system used for storing files in a central location, accessible through a network, so that other computer systems can store and retrieve the data files. Comfort The date store in the secondary storage can be accessed easily and immediately. The data can share with others such as customers very easily and convenient. This can increase the productivity of the organization and contribute to gain profit for the organization. NAS is a server which has the dual function of application serving and files sharing and provides a lot of flexibility in data access by virtue of being independently. The utility rate of NAS is high because the storage is shared across multiple servers. Multiple NAS systems or devices can be manage by a central and then it can conserving the time and resources, Economic The cost of a secondary storage is cheaper than adding the memory of the computer. For GJ Consultation Sdn Bhd, NAS is suggested to them as their secondary storage rather than a SAN. SAN requires the purchase of a Fibre Channel which is very expensive; NAS requires a standard Ethernet NIC which is much cheaper. This indirectly reduces the cost for storage devices. Furthermore, SAN is very hard to understand, it will cause the management and the maintenance cost increase; however NAS is easy to understand and easy to maintain, indirectly reduces the cost of management and maintenance for the firm. NAS is a simple and cost-effective way to achieve fast data access for multiple clients at the file level. 4.0 Disadvantages of seeking a higher performing storage There is nothing perfect in this world; there is no any storage which is the best. A secondary storage has several advantages and of course has several of disadvantages. Over Whelmed NAS can be used by many computers on a network. When everyone is trying to access the device at the same time, it might lead to overwhelmed. This could happen because of the limitation of network bandwidth, and the processing power within the device. When there is a large amount of users simultaneously access data, it will create the bottlenecks on the local area network and server. Besides, NAS device could become a single point of failure. To solve this issue, those important files across multiple units should be distribute, schedule and run regular remote backup routines. Financial Budget concern Getting a higher performance of storage, in other words that is one of the expenses cost for the Organization. No matter how valuable is the storage, it still will affect the financial budgeting for the organization for short term. The organization needs to allocate fund for the storage equipment cost, and also for the maintenance and management cost of the storage. This is just a very short term disadvantages because advantages of the secondary storage will contributes profits to the organization and then can cover the cost of getting the storage. Time consuming The staffs of the organization might need times to understand and make use of the secondary storage. The administrator would first study and understand in detail for the storage then he might need to give training to the staffs in order for them to know how to operate and maximize the usage of the storage. This is important because if the secondary storage not fully utilize by the organization would be wastage for the organization. However this might take some times to completely educate everyone in the organization to fully utilize the storage and it is hard to ensure whether the storage has been fully utilized. There will be a wastage and loss of money for the organization if the users of the organization not able to use the storage. That is no point of spending an amount of money for the organization to buying a powerful product but no one can fully utilize it. Backup challenge We can back up the data by NAS but because NAS is file-level storage, which means transferring data and storing data is by file-level. If users have millions of small files, it could be a problem to back up the data because NAS will store the data by file name. NAS cannot do image-level backup and cannot serve raw device. Besides, NAS is difficult to backup the data to tape. Large block of data A NAS is not able to move a large block of data which is important for bandwidth-intensive applications such as imaging, database or transaction processing. NAS does not offer fast data transfer while reducing input/output latency or server workloads. NAS also not provide high volume transaction processing especially the companies that conduct business on the web. Same with the backup issues, if the user has millions of small file that want to store or share to another, NAS is not an option to do that. The only way to solve this without adding budget to seeking for the other storage is adding the capacity of the NAS, since the scalability of NAS is high but of course it has its limit. 5.0 Conclusion Digital assets will only continue to growth rapidly in the future. It is important to choose the right storage and to implement technologies that based on the industry standard which can minimize the interoperability concerns and provides long term investment protection for the organization.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Effect Of Processing Condition

The Effect Of Processing Condition The aim of this experiment is to evaluate the effect of processing condition such as the effect of lecithin on the quality physicochemical properties and organoleptic attributes of burger. The pH for uncooked control and cooked control are 5.77 and 6.04 respectively. Meanwhile for burger with 0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0% lecithin, the pH for uncooked are 5.86, 5.49, 5.48 while for cooked are 6.06, 6.05, and 5.80. The fat for uncooked control and cooked control are 8.50% and 10.25% respectively. Meanwhile, for burger with 0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0% lecithin, the fat for uncooked are 4.16%, 5.32%, 9.54% while for cooked are 10.59%, 0.27%, 12.91% respectively. The moisture for uncooked control and cooked control are 32.40% and 54.73% respectively. Meanwhile, for burger with 0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0% lecithin, the moisture for uncooked are 68.86%, 52.29%, 64.92% while for cooked are 59.59%, 45.13%, 60.68% respectively. The protein for uncooked control and cooked control are 13.71% and 3.91% respectively. Meanwhile for burger with 0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0% lecithin, the protein for uncooked are 16.39%, 15.94%, 16.57% while for cooked are 14.33%, 23.82%, 17.25% respectively. The ash for uncooked control and cooked control are 2.54% and 6.73% respectively. Meanwhile for burger with 0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0% lecithin, the ash for uncooked are 2.51%, 12.25%, 5.68% while for cooked are 2.97%, 10.25%, 2.79% respectively. Introduction: Burger and other product manufacturing can use fresh or frozen meat as the starting raw material and both systems have particular advantages and disadvantages in the logistics of processing. It can be argued that, for frozen products, which can be regulated by formulation and process effects, the quality difference between fresh frozen is minimal and product quality is far more likely to be dominated by intrinsic quality of the meat via the factors mentioned previously. However the physical properties are highly influenced by temperatures have a profound effect on manufacturing and indeed on the processing methods that can be used. (C.P Mallett, 1993) Fat content has a basic effect on various physic-chemical and sensory characteristics as flavor, mouthfeel, juiciness, texture handling, bite, heat transfer etc. The food industry has responded to consumer demand by offering an ever-increasing variety of low-fat meat choices. Most fat replacers currently in use are reformulations of previously used meat ingredients. (Ozlem Tokusoglu et. Al, 2003) Other factors that contribute to the organoleptic acceptance of the burger are the type of binder, the mixing time, temperature and time of cooking. Addition of soy proteins as meat substitutes provide to cut costs. These substances example lecithin can withstand stresses due to various forms of processing and preparation. Processed and whole meat products can be improved by adding soy protein, which provides the product flexibility and cost stability consumers demand. Adding soy protein to meat and poultry products can enhance moisture holding, texture, binding and cohesion, product yield, juiciness, protein quality, appetizing color and appearance, longer shelf-life, palatability and total nutrition. The ground meat enhancer comprises not only the whey protein concentrate or isolate, starch, maltodextrin and non-fat dry milk, but may also include additional spices and flavor modifiers to further erihance the organoleptic qualities of these meat products. These include, for example, seasonings and spices, such as onion powder, salt, pepper, vegetable oil, corn starch and tapioca starch, non-hygroscopic dried whey and the like. When all the ingredients are combined, a cream to off-white free flowing powder is prepared. In this experiment students will learn the methods and effects of processing of beef patties with varying amounts of lecithin added into the formulation. Materials and methods 2.1. Material Required amount of beef meat, fat, salt, sugar, garlic, black pepper, lecithin (optional) and warm water were prepared as the table below: Ingredients Mass(g) Beef meat 1000 Fat 150 Sugar 16 Salt 20 Garlic 10 Black pepper 6 Lecithin(optional) 0.5%, 1.0% or 1.5% Warm water 2.2. Apparatus Meat cutter, meat grinder, mincer /silent bowl cutter, burger mold, weighing machine, plastic line, wrapper freezer and nat.stick pan/griller 2.3. Sample preparation Burgers were prepared by divided to two parts of preparation. Part 1: Production of Burger The frozen meat was cut into small pieces. Meat pieces were washed and the dry meats were dripped. With using meat grinder, the meats were grinded. After that, all ingredients except fat were put in silent bowl cutter and the ingredients were mixed for 5 minutes. Then, fat was added in the mixture and continuous mixed for another 10minutes until ingredients were homogeneous. Homogeneous mixture was transferred into mold. Mold was pressed to obtain a patty of approximately 80g. Patties were placed in a stack of 10 with plastic liners in-between. Patties were wrapped in a plastic bag. Lastly, the evaluation on frozen patties was done on the following week Part 2: The effect of incorporation of lecithin on the quality of burger The frozen meat was cut into small pieces. Meat pieces were washed and the dry meats were dripped. With using meat grinder, the meats were grinded. After that, all ingredients except fat were put in silent bowl cutter and the ingredients were mixed for 5 minutes. 0.5, 1 and 2% of lecithin were dissolved by weight of total ingredients. Then, fat was added in the mixture and continuous mixed for another 10minutes until ingredients were homogeneous. Homogeneous mixture was transferred into mold. Mold was pressed to obtain a patty of approximately 80g. Patties were placed in a stack of 10 with plastic liners in-between. Patties were wrapped in a plastic bag. Lastly, the evaluation on frozen patties was done on the following week. 2.4. Analysis Analysis Both parts of preparation were analyzed based on measurement actual weight of mixture and the number of patties in plastic bag. The overall weight of patties also analyzed. Then, the weight of cooked patties and the average weight, determination of proximate analysis (fat, moisture, protein and ash), pH and Thiobarbituric acid value (TBA) for uncooked and cooked patties were analyzed. Then, the diameter in a hot stick pan or a giller was measured until cooked. Analysis of sensory properties of patties The sensory properties of the cooked patties were analyzed based on texture, flavor and overall using 5 point hedonic scale: 1-like extremely 2-like moderately 3-neither like or dislike 4-dislike moderately 5-dislike extremely 3. Results Discussion 3.1 Results (Raw data): Table 1: Average diameter and average weight of the burger with and without lecithin Control (without lecithin) Lecithin Uncooked Cooked 0.5% 1.0% 2.0% Uncooked Cooked Uncooked Cooked Uncooked Cooked Average Diameter (cm) 9.90 6.90 9.73 7.23 9.50 7.57 9.50 7.10 Average Weight (g) 79.56 53.47 80.00 63.31 80.95 52.91 79.68 63.61 Table 2 : proximate analysis of burger with and without lecithin Control (without Lecithin) Lecithin Uncooked Cooked 0.5% 1.0% 2.0% Uncooked Cooked Uncooked Cooked Uncooked Cooked pH 5.77 6.04 5.86 6.06 5.49 6.05 5.48 5.80 Fat 8.50 10.25 4.16 10.59 5.32 0.27 9.54 12.91 Moisture 32.40 54.73 68.86 59.59 52.29 45.13 64.92 60.68 Protein 13.71 3.91 16.39 14.33 15.94 23.82 16.57 17.25 Ash 2.54 6.73 2.51 2.97 12.25 10.25 5.68 2.79 Table 3: Sensory characteristic on different lecithin content on burger Lecithin (%) Texture Flavour Overall 0.0 3 3 3 0.5 1 2 2 1.0 2 3 2 2.0 2 3 3 Key: 1- Extremely like 2- Like moderately 3- Neither like or dislike 4- Dislike moderately 5- Dislike extremely Table 4: overuse weight of burger on different lecithin content Lecithin (%) 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 No. of patties 29 28 30 29 Actual weight of mixture 2.3802 2.236 2.045 2.203 Overuse weight of patty 0.0602 0.0035 0.0027 0.0048 Emulsifier plays essential roles in burger processing. It contributes to the dough strengthening, crystal modification besides facilitates in the aeration and foam stabilization. Emulsifier is also function as a binding agent in burger processing. Theoretically, the inclusion of a binding agent increases the stability of a patty at the cost of a little loss in flavor. Temperature, coarseness and moisture levels of ground meat and other ingredients greatly influence the binding properties of a patty. The emulsifier that was used in this experiment is lecithin. Soy lecithin consists of three types of phospholipids; phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphotidylinositol (PI). It is extracted from soybean oil and is generally used as a natural emulsifier or stabilizer in various food applications (Awazuhara H et al., 1998). It has low solubility in water and in aqueous solution its phospholipids can form liposomes, bilayer sheets, micelles or lamellar structure depending on hydration and temperature. This results in surfactant that is classified as amphoteric. During emulsification, the nonpolar groups embedded in fat while the polar group extends into the aqueous phase. The used of lecithin in burger preparation caused the meat to bind closely and hence gave good quality burger. Lecithin also helps in binding the water in the meat. By binding water, these ingredients can improve yields and packaged product appearance. The emulsifying properties of lecithin can reduce the impact of raw material variations and prevent fat release. Functional concentrates can also improve texture, juiciness and slice-ability in finished meat products. And because they are tolerant of the multitude of conditions associated with processed meat procedures, they function without changing current manufacturing processes (Wilson N.R.P., 1981). Fat is also used as one of the ingredient in burger preparation. The main role of fat is to retain the juiciness in the meat. Other than that, fat also contributes to the flavor and aroma of the burger. This is resulted by the volatile fatty acid when the burger is cooked. While for salt, it brings out natural flavors of the burger and makes it more palatable and acceptable. In burger preparation, salt also acts as preservatives to retard the growth of spoilage microorganisms. Salt gives proper texture to burgers. It is also used to create the gel necessary to process meats and sausages. As a result, more heavily processed foods usually contain more salt. Different percentages of lecithin (0.5, 1 and2%) were used in this experiment in order to study the effect of incorporation of lecithin on the quality of burger. The parameters that were use to determined the effects of lecithin in burger are diameter and weight of burger, pH value, moisture content and proximate analysis for all fat, protein and ash. Sensory evaluation was also carried out in order to assess the sensory attributes of the burger after it was cooked. Diameter and weight In this experiment, different percentage of lecithin (0.5, 1 and 2%) was used in order to study the effects of lecithin in the changes of diameter and weight of the burger before and after cooking. Based from the result, it is observed that the diameter and the weight of beef burgers with or without lecithin decreased after they were cooked. This is primarily associated with the removal of water or the loss of moisture in the beef burger during cooking (Rhee KS et al., 1982). When burger is cooked it shrinks. This may be due to some change in the fibrous tissue, or to coagulation of the muscle fibre (Vincent Lewis, 1901). The à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“shrinkà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ takes place at 63 °C, and is relatively more important in these days of shortage of meat. All meat will shrink in size and weight during cooking. The amount of shrinkage will depend on its fat and moisture content, the temperature at which the meat is cooked, and how long it is cooked. Basically, higher cooking temperature will causes greater shrinkage. Cooking burger at moderate temperatures will reduce shrinkage and help retain juices and flavor. Overcooking draws out more fat and juices from ground beef, resulting in a dry, less tasty product. As percentage of lecithin used is increased, the water-holding capacity of the burger also increased. Thus, the shrinkage supposed to be less severe. However, for 1% lecithin the shrinkage was the most compared to the o thers. The loss of weight for burger that contained 1% lecithin is 28.04 g. This high amount might be due to the over cooking time as heat tends to shrink the patties (Tony Rosenfeld, 2007). pH The pH of the meat burger were increase with the percentage of addition of lecithin, which was mainly due to the higher pH values of soy lecithin ( Das ,Anjaneyulu, Gadekar, Singh and Pragati, 2008). The pH for cooked burger were higher than the uncooked burger due to the natural compound that present initially in the uncooked meat and melting and breakdown of fats, organic acids, and nitrogen containing compound during heating (Brown, 2008). Proximate analysis The moisture content before and after cooking were differ for the control meat burger samples with the treatment. For the control, the cooked sample had higher moisture content than the uncooked samples. But, for the samples that treated with lecithin, the moisture content of the meat burger is higher in uncooked burger compared to the cooked burger due to the loss of moisture during cooking. Exposing meat to high temperature shortened the muscle fiber, denatured protein, and caused the meat to dehydrate (Brown, 2008). The moisture loss for 2% lecithin added was the least compared to 0.5% and 1% lecithin due to the presence of lecithin which minimized the loss of water-binding capacity. The fat content of the treatments were higher compared to the control, and the higher the percentage of lecithin used, gave the higher percentage of fat content in the cooked samples. It was clearly showed that the addition of lecithin helped to minimize the loss of fat during cooking as the meat fat were melt as it is cooked. Fat in the emulsified products immobilized and stabilized by the formation of protein interfacial membrane and protein matrices. The adsorption of protein on the surface of fat globules decreased the interfacial energy, and denaturation of the adsorbed protein lead to the formation of a protein gel matrix that enhanced the emulsion stability (Fennema, Parkin and Damodaran, 1996). The ash and protein content of the control and treatments were not differs very much. It indicated that lecithin did not affect the ash content to the burger patties. The percentage of ash content for cooked meat burger was higher than the uncooked burger. Sensory attributes For the sensory characteristics, the panelist preferred the cooked burger with 0.5% lecithin because of its tenderness that influenced by the role of the lecithin. It acted as the binding agents that bind the protein with the fat as well as moisture to keep the good texture and prevent dehydration during cooking. Other than that, lecithin helped to give consistency to the distribution of fat and protein throughout the burger patties. It also prevents the loss of fat because the fat that presence in the burger patties will melt during high temperature processing, which increased tenderness, juiciness and flavor (Brown, 2008). The control sample was the least like samples because ità ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s hard and dry texture due to moisture loss during cooking. The panelists gave similar score to the control and samples with treatments in terms of flavor, showed that lecithin did not help in improving the flavor of meat burger. The role of lecithin can only be seen in the aspect of texture quality but not in flavor. For the overall acceptability, samples that treated with 0.5% and 1% lecithin were preferred compared to the control and 2 % lecithin. Control sample gave low eating quality in terms of the texture, while high intensity of lecithin also lowered the consumer acceptability. Tenderness of the meat burger can also be increased by the addition of salts in the form of potassium, calcium, or magnesium chlorides. These salts retain moisture and breakdown the component that surrounds the muscle fibers, resulting in the release of proteins (Brown, 2008). Conclusion: The use of lecithin has potential as a functional ingredient to improve the cooking properties of burger patties. Better fat and water retention reduce the cooking losses. The substitution of the main meat component constitutes an additional textural benefit to the meat burger and can cut the cost of production. Least, besides an equivalent overall acceptance for some of the extended product, the use of citrus lecithin may be attractive to some consumers as a positive alternative to conventional fillers in meat products.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Eumenides vs. The Haunted :: essays papers

Eumenides vs. The Haunted Throughout time there has been a universal question that does not yet yield a universal answer: whether or not it is right to avenge the murder of another by killing the killers. In both â€Å"The Haunted,† the third play from Eugene O’ Neill’s trilogy â€Å"Morning Becomes Electra,† and â€Å"Eumenides,† the third play from Aeschylus’ trilogy â€Å"The Oresteia,† the respective sons are directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of their mothers after their mothers intentionally murder their fathers. In â€Å"Eumenides,† the third play of The Oresteia Trilogy,† Orestes kills his mother Clytemnestra in cold blood and feels no remorse for his action. In â€Å"The Haunted,† the third play in â€Å"Morning Becomes Electra,† Orin expresses incredible guilt for the death of his mother, Christine even though he does not physically kill her himself. It is clear that Orestes believes that it is right to avenge the killing of another through the death of the killer and that Orin regrets his actions and does not believe vigilance is justified. In Aeschylus’ â€Å"Eumenides,† Orestes believes that his murdering of his mother is well justified by the fact that she murdered his father. Orestes is completely guilt-free after the murder and feels like he did the right thing. Orestes did not have a close relationship with his mother, and resented her for sending him away. Orestes feels that it is his responsibility to avenge his father’s death. Though Orestes is put on trial for the murder of his mother, he continues to proclaim that the murder of his mother was justified, claiming he was encouraged by the god Apollo to murder his father. Cassandra, who had been cursed by Apollo to be a seer who would never be believed, envisions the death of Agamemnon and herself. It is in this vision that she sees an avenger who will come about and bring justice to the murdered victims: â€Å" We will die, but not without some honor from the gods. There will come another to avenge us, born to kill his mother, b orn his father’s champion. The gods have sworn a monumental oath: as his father lies upon the ground he draws him home with power like a prayer.† This vision proves to be very important when speaking about the innocence of Orestes and his heroism as well. Before the incident even takes place, we know that the gods have destined Orestes to avenge his father’s death.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Violent Video Games

Researchers, parents and educators are all discussing the controversy around violent video games and their influence on kids. The audience seems to be divided into two large groups: one is in favor of restricting or even banning violent video games as they make children (and, arguably, adults as well) more prone to aggressive behavior, like that seen on the screen. Opponents of this view claim that video games do not cause violent behavior in real life and are, in fact, a safe outlet to natural aggression and frustration.Representatives of the first group such as John Leo, in his article When Life Imitates Video† argue that watching countless deaths and identifying with killers would undoubtedly lead to people feeling more comfortable about violence and suffering in their everyday life. He even goes so far as to say that playing games that involve shooting people is akin to undergoing training to kill (in other words, it is like a â€Å"dress rehearsal† of potential murd ers). (Leo 1999).On the other hand, there are claims that violent media are beneficial Cones), because in the present world kids are at a higher risk of growing up passive and weak than violent and riotous, and when hey see examples of rebellion, domination and well, violence, they are able to channel their suppressed feelings and deal with issues that otherwise remain unresolved. In my opinion, violent video games cannot be directly responsible for real-life violence but on the contrary they can help release stress and anger in non-violent methods.John Leo agrees that most murders are not directly connected to violent games. However, he says that some murders are. In particular, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, the students who murdered 13 and wounded 21 more people in Columbine high school massacre, enjoyed playing video games such as Doom, and they acted out in real life what they have seen on the screen. Well, even in this particular case, it is not that simple. Obviously, a lot m ore than playing murderous games contributed to the actual killings in Colorado.The teenager murderers were frequently the victims of bullying (involving being covered in ketchup in school cafeteria and having fecal matter thrown at them). Once they were arrested based on wrongful accusations, and that was very traumatic for both of them. The mother of Dylan Klebold admitted that she prayed that her son would ommit suicide – this illustrates lack of support for the boy in the family. The other youth, Eric Harris, was taking an antidepressant, which he abruptly discontinued, and that is another possible reason for emotional instability and elevated aggression levels.All of the above does not indicate that Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were completely innocent. They were not. Yet, there crimes were not caused directly by video games, as most likely their playing violent games were not a cause but an outcome of frustration which they had because of different factors. If there ar e essons to be learned from this massacre, it is necessary to realize that to prevent another incident like that from happening, it would be insufficient to Just ban violent video games.A lot of issues involving peer and teacher support, mental health, prevention of bullying, education, closer attention to what is going on in kids' lives need to be resolved to promote safety and make sure this type of episode is never repeated. Also, video games have been around for several decades, while Going back to the Colorado massacre, Dylan and Eric thought very highly of Adolf Hitler. Their obsession with anti-human philosophies has no connection to violent video games, but obviously it displays that the kids were not properly socialized.The games were not the only outlet of feelings of aggression, rejection and frustration that the boys carried around. And, speaking of Adolf Hitler; he obviously never played violent video games, simply because they were not around back then. That did not ma ke him a nice person, ready to resolve conflicts peacefully. And he is not alone, human history abounds in ruthless, cruel, ready to inflict pain and degrade other people. And, historically, these dictators have not played violent computer games either.Gerard Jones is more persuasive because he is talking about his personal experience and that of his son, and some other real kids. Unlike John Leo, who did not seem to do the background check on the Colorado massacre (or else, ignored the findings and picked out only the facts that support his theory), Gerard Jones' evidence looks more persuasive, as he indicates that violent video games (and comics, and other media products, for that matter) not only channel aggression, they help to manage such emotions as fear, greed, rage and power hunger.In modern society, those emotions are considered inappropriate. Children, however, have to deal with them – and imaginary selves, capable of handling and using those motivations, are very h elpful in this aspect. Statistics show that crime does not go up in the countries where people play a lot of video games. The crime rate depends on other things: prosperity, economics, psychological wellbeing, and so on, violent media content does not seem to be one of them. However, maybe virtual violence make people less sensitive and more engrossed with themselves, less emphatic to others?These matters are really hard to measure; however, in my opinion, our society is placing emphasis on equal opportunities, fair play, human rights and charity. Therefore, it is incorrect to say that people now are callous, insensitive and heartless. That is simply not true. The studies that show that there is a link between violence on screen and violence in reality, say that there is a connection but not necessarily cause-and-effect dependency. In other words, people who tend to be violent would choose violent games, while the reverse statement does not hold true.It is true that the video games, movies, comics and stories all bear influence upon the society at large and each individual member of it. Indeed, watching indiscriminate violent content all the time does not contribute to a child growing up into a reasonable, intelligent or, for that matter, healthy adult. However, there is no sufficient reason to state that there is a direct connection between violent video games and real-life violence; they rather demonstrate are verse effect of calming down negative feelings. Works Cited Jones, Gerard. Violent Media is Good for Kids. June 27, 2000. Web. 24 Feb. 2013 Violent Video Games Researchers, parents and educators are all discussing the controversy around violent video games and their influence on kids. The audience seems to be divided into two large groups: one is in favor of restricting or even banning violent video games as they make children (and, arguably, adults as well) more prone to aggressive behavior, like that seen on the screen. Opponents of this view claim that video games do not cause violent behavior in real life and are, in fact, a safe outlet to natural aggression and frustration.Representatives of the first group such as John Leo, in his article When Life Imitates Video† argue that watching countless deaths and identifying with killers would undoubtedly lead to people feeling more comfortable about violence and suffering in their everyday life. He even goes so far as to say that playing games that involve shooting people is akin to undergoing training to kill (in other words, it is like a â€Å"dress rehearsal† of potential murd ers). (Leo 1999).On the other hand, there are claims that violent media are beneficial Cones), because in the present world kids are at a higher risk of growing up passive and weak than violent and riotous, and when hey see examples of rebellion, domination and well, violence, they are able to channel their suppressed feelings and deal with issues that otherwise remain unresolved. In my opinion, violent video games cannot be directly responsible for real-life violence but on the contrary they can help release stress and anger in non-violent methods.John Leo agrees that most murders are not directly connected to violent games. However, he says that some murders are. In particular, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, the students who murdered 13 and wounded 21 more people in Columbine high school massacre, enjoyed playing video games such as Doom, and they acted out in real life what they have seen on the screen. Well, even in this particular case, it is not that simple. Obviously, a lot m ore than playing murderous games contributed to the actual killings in Colorado.The teenager murderers were frequently the victims of bullying (involving being covered in ketchup in school cafeteria and having fecal matter thrown at them). Once they were arrested based on wrongful accusations, and that was very traumatic for both of them. The mother of Dylan Klebold admitted that she prayed that her son would ommit suicide – this illustrates lack of support for the boy in the family. The other youth, Eric Harris, was taking an antidepressant, which he abruptly discontinued, and that is another possible reason for emotional instability and elevated aggression levels.All of the above does not indicate that Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were completely innocent. They were not. Yet, there crimes were not caused directly by video games, as most likely their playing violent games were not a cause but an outcome of frustration which they had because of different factors. If there ar e essons to be learned from this massacre, it is necessary to realize that to prevent another incident like that from happening, it would be insufficient to Just ban violent video games.A lot of issues involving peer and teacher support, mental health, prevention of bullying, education, closer attention to what is going on in kids' lives need to be resolved to promote safety and make sure this type of episode is never repeated. Also, video games have been around for several decades, while Going back to the Colorado massacre, Dylan and Eric thought very highly of Adolf Hitler. Their obsession with anti-human philosophies has no connection to violent video games, but obviously it displays that the kids were not properly socialized.The games were not the only outlet of feelings of aggression, rejection and frustration that the boys carried around. And, speaking of Adolf Hitler; he obviously never played violent video games, simply because they were not around back then. That did not ma ke him a nice person, ready to resolve conflicts peacefully. And he is not alone, human history abounds in ruthless, cruel, ready to inflict pain and degrade other people. And, historically, these dictators have not played violent computer games either.Gerard Jones is more persuasive because he is talking about his personal experience and that of his son, and some other real kids. Unlike John Leo, who did not seem to do the background check on the Colorado massacre (or else, ignored the findings and picked out only the facts that support his theory), Gerard Jones' evidence looks more persuasive, as he indicates that violent video games (and comics, and other media products, for that matter) not only channel aggression, they help to manage such emotions as fear, greed, rage and power hunger.In modern society, those emotions are considered inappropriate. Children, however, have to deal with them – and imaginary selves, capable of handling and using those motivations, are very h elpful in this aspect. Statistics show that crime does not go up in the countries where people play a lot of video games. The crime rate depends on other things: prosperity, economics, psychological wellbeing, and so on, violent media content does not seem to be one of them. However, maybe virtual violence make people less sensitive and more engrossed with themselves, less emphatic to others?These matters are really hard to measure; however, in my opinion, our society is placing emphasis on equal opportunities, fair play, human rights and charity. Therefore, it is incorrect to say that people now are callous, insensitive and heartless. That is simply not true. The studies that show that there is a link between violence on screen and violence in reality, say that there is a connection but not necessarily cause-and-effect dependency. In other words, people who tend to be violent would choose violent games, while the reverse statement does not hold true.It is true that the video games, movies, comics and stories all bear influence upon the society at large and each individual member of it. Indeed, watching indiscriminate violent content all the time does not contribute to a child growing up into a reasonable, intelligent or, for that matter, healthy adult. However, there is no sufficient reason to state that there is a direct connection between violent video games and real-life violence; they rather demonstrate are verse effect of calming down negative feelings. Works Cited Jones, Gerard. Violent Media is Good for Kids. June 27, 2000. Web. 24 Feb. 2013