Saturday, December 28, 2019

Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - 805 Words

All children go through changes and instances in their life that push them towards the brink of adulthood, especially those living in Maycomb County. The novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, elaborates on the lives of the main characters, Jem and Scout Finch, and how they experience profound ordeals that try to open their eyes to the real world around them. In the first part of the book, Jem and Scout are introduced to the reader as representations of innocence. When people are born, they are filled to the brim with innocence, but as they get older, the world withdraws that innocence out of them. Harper Lee illustrates this theory from the start of the story using the lives of the children. Scout maintains a bit of her childhood innocence even after everything she and her brother have to bear, whereas Jem has his eviscerated by each vexing incident. Jem endures critical moments in his life that commence his transition from a child to an adult. First, the death of Mrs. Dubose has a great mental effect on Jem. Before she dies, both Jem and Scout think of her as this cruel old lady who speaks negatively of their father for â€Å"lawing for niggers† (Lee 135). This offends Jem immensely and in that moment he forgoes his commitment of being a gentleman like his father and destroys her camellia bushes. Even after receiving the consequence of reading to her for about a month, Jem did not become conscious as to why there is an alarm or why it keeps getting prolonged each day untilShow MoreRelatedKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1049 Words   |  5 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird: How a Story could be based on True Events in Everyday LifeDaisy GaskinsCoastal Pines Technical Collegeâ€Æ'Harper Lee was born in Monroeville, Alabama. Her father was a former newspaper editor and proprietor, who had served as a state senator and practiced as a lawyer in Monroeville. Also Finch was known as the maiden name of Lee’s mother. Wit h that being said Harper Lee became a writer like her father, but she became a American writer, famous for her race relations novel â€Å"ToRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee1000 Words   |  4 Pagesworld-wide recognition to the many faces of prejudice is an accomplishment of its own. Author Harper Lee has had the honor to accomplish just that through her novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, a moving and inspirational story about a young girl learning the difference between the good and the bad of the world. In the small town of Monroeville, Alabama, Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926. Growing up, Harper Lee had three siblings: two sisters and an older brother. She and her siblings grew up modestlyRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1290 Words   |  6 PagesHarper Lee published To Kill a Mockingbird during a rough period in American history, also known as the Civil Rights Movement. This plot dives into the social issues faced by African-Americans in the south, like Tom Robinson. Lee felt that the unfair treatment towards blacks were persistent, not coming to an end any time in the foreseeable future. This dark movement drove her to publish this novel hopeful that it would encourage the society to realize that the harsh racism must stop. Lee effectivelyRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee873 Words   |  4 PagesIn the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee illustrates that â€Å"it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird† throughout the novel by writing innocent characters that have been harmed by evil. Tom Robinson’s persecution is a symbol for the death of a mockingbird. The hunters shooting the bird would in this case be the Maycomb County folk. Lee sets the time in the story in the early 1950s, when the Great Depression was going on and there was poverty everywhere. The mindset of people back then was that blackRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee963 Words   |  4 Pagesgrowing up, when older characters give advice to children or siblings.Growing up is used frequently in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Harper Lee uses the theme growing up in To Kill a Mockingbird to change characters opinion, develop characters through their world, and utilizes prejudice to reveal growing up. One major cause growing up is used in To Kill a Mockingbird is to represent a change of opinion. One part growing up was shown in is through the trial in part two of the novelRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1052 Words   |  5 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee takes place in Maycomb County, Alabama in the late 30s early 40s , after the great depression when poverty and unemployment were widespread throughout the United States. Why is the preconception of racism, discrimination, and antagonism so highly related to some of the characters in this book? People often have a preconceived idea or are biased about one’s decision to live, dress, or talk. Throughout To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee examines the preconceptionRead MoreHarper Lee and to Kill a Mockingbird931 Words   |  4 PagesHarper Lee and her Works Harper Lee knew first hand about the life in the south in the 1930s. She was born in Monroeville, Alabama in 1926 (Castleman 2). Harper Lee was described by one of her friends as Queen of the Tomboys (Castleman 3). Scout Finch, the main character of Lees Novel, To Kill a Mockinbird, was also a tomboy. Many aspects of To Kill a Mockingbird are autobiographical (Castleman 3). Harper Lees parents were Amasa Coleman Lee and Frances Finch Lee. She was the youngestRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1695 Words   |  7 PagesIn To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee presents as a ‘tired old town’ where the inhabitants have ‘nowhere to go’ it is set in the 1930s when prejudices and racism were at a peak. Lee uses Maycomb town to highlight prejudices, racism, poverty and social inequality. In chapter 2 Lee presents the town of Maycomb to be poverty stricken, emphasised through the characterisation of Walter Cunningham. When it is discovered he has no lunch on the first day of school, Scout tries to explain the situation to MissRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1876 Words   |  8 PagesThough Harper Lee only published two novels, her accomplishments are abundant. Throughout her career Lee claimed: the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Goodreads Choice Awards Best Fiction, and Quill Award for Audio Book. Lee was also inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters. This honor society is a huge accomplishment and is considered the highest recognition for artistic talent and accomplishment in the United States. Along with these accomplishments, herRead MoreKill A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee1197 Words   |  5 Pagessuch as crops, houses, and land, and money was awfully limited. These conflicts construct Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mocking Bird. In To Kill a Mocking Bird, Lee establishes the concurrence of good and evil, meaning whether people are naturally good or naturally evil. Lee uses symbolism, characterization, and plot to portray the instinctive of good and evil. To Kill a Mocking Bird, a novel by Harper Lee takes place during the 1930s in the Southern United States. The protagonist, Scout Finch,

Friday, December 20, 2019

Pollution As An Environmental Problem - 1426 Words

POLLUTION AS AN ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM Introduction The environment is always facing sudden changes due to natural forces like the eruption of volcanic and earthquakes. However human activities have in the recent times being blamed as the major contributor to the majority of the environmental problems that there are today. Among the numerous environmental issues is pollution. Human activities have been solely responsible for soil, water, and air pollution that has made the entire environment polluted thus becoming a health hazard to all animals, plants, and people living in it. This is because all living things whether plants or animals depends on water, soils and air for survival. Strategies for promoting positive environmental behavior- Pollution As human beings are the sole contributors to pollution, it is possible to reduce pollution to minimal levels that cannot harm environmental dependants. Human beings should be aware of the fact that, they fully depend on the environment for fresh air, food, water, and good health. Thus polluting the environment means the beginning of the end of mankind and all that the world holds. Apparently, if positive behavior is adapted towards the environment, this means eternity of humanity as well as other living things around the world. Different kinds of pollution are caused by numerous factors. Air pollution is as a result of gas emission from factories, motor vehicles, or any machine in motion. Water pollution is as a result of chemicalShow MoreRelatedThe Environmental Problems Of Marine Pollution968 Words   |  4 PagesToday, however, the ocean and all life there is experiencing serious environmental problems. It has been stated, â€Å"A staggering amount of waste - much of which has o nly existed for the past 60 years or so - enters the oceans each year† (WWF). The causes of marine pollution are diverse, such as dumping of garbage waste, toxic chemicals, and fertilizers, all which have caused major damage to our oceans. A major cause of ocean pollution is the numerous amounts of garbage that is continuing to be dumpedRead MorePollution And Environmental Problems Of Mankind3103 Words   |  13 PagesName: Instructor: Course: Date: Pollution and environmental problems of mankind In recent years, we often hear and use the word ecology, but one can hardly assume that everyone understands him correctly. About even the experts argue what meaning people should invest in this concept. In the meantime, they argue, laymen have realized such ecological minimum: it means - to breathe clean air, drink clean water, eat food without nitrates and glow in the dark. The term ecology (from the Greek oikosRead MoreThe Environmental Problem Of Air Pollution897 Words   |  4 PagesAir pollution has become a very costly environmental problem in terms of both human lives and in terms of billions of dollars lost for health-care expenditure and crop damage. In this essay, I shall identify the main air pollutants in my community, having contacted the local pollution control authorities. I will compare my own community with others and discuss my findings. Finally, I shall discuss two of my own skills or interests which could be applied, if I had the time and resources, to helpRead MoreEnvironmental Problems: Air Pollution Essay2135 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction: Air pollution is among the critical challenges facing modern societies and is one of the most pressing environing mental problems. Air pollution is accountable for major harmful effects on human strength, animal survives, natural ecosystems and the man-made environment. It is also responsible for climate change due to the improved greenhouse effect, acid rain, and the reduction of the ozone layer that inaugurate important global environmental problems. Air pollution occurs both outdoorsRead MoreAir Pollution Is A Costly Environmental Problem878 Words   |  4 PagesAir pollution has become very costly environmental problem in terms of both human lives and in terms of billions of dollars lost for health-care expenditure and crop damage. Contact the pollution control authorities in your community for the levels or air pollutants. Identify main air pollutants and the possible causes of air pollution. How does your community compare to others? Discuss your findings. The main two air pollutants in air above SanDiego, CA seems to be comprised of Ozone (O3) andRead MoreEnvironmental Pollution, Problems and Control Measures5083 Words   |  21 PagesEnvironmental pollution, problems and control measures A. Introduction and definition of environmental pollution – We know that, a living organism cannot live by itself. Organisms interact among themselves. Hence, all organisms, such as plants, animals and human beings, as well as the physical surroundings with whom we interact, form a part of our environment. All these constituents of the environment are dependent upon each other. Thus, they maintain a balance in nature. As we are the only organismsRead MorePollution on the Canadian Oil Sands: An Environmental Problem1809 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿I. The environmental problem that I am studying is pollution on the Canadian oil sands. According to industry sources, this is the largest single oil deposit in the world at an estimated 1.7 to 2.5 trillion barrels ( The oil sands are in the north of the country, in sparsely-populated areas, and have come to prominence recently for a couple of issues. The first is the plan to build the Keystone pipeline to get oil from the oil sands to Texas and the second is the environmental devastation causedRead MoreEnvironmental Problem: Ocean Dumping and Trash Pollution636 Words   |  3 PagesEnvironmental Problem – Ocean Dumping and Trash Pollution Ocean water takes up seventy percent of the entire Earth’s surface and ninety-six percent of water found is in the oceans. Ocean water is a wonderful resource for travel, recreational purposes and is the largest habitat for plants. Additionally, one in every six jobs held by a United States citizen is marine-related. Also, â€Å"biological productivity of the ocean plays a vital role in the global climate and carbon cycle and provides nearly 50Read MoreEnvironmental Pollution : The Biggest World Problems We Are Facing1194 Words   |  5 PagesEnvironmental pollution is one of the biggest world problems we are facing. There are many different environmental pollution such as, air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. The main contributors for air pollution are human-made pollutants due to activities like combustion, construction; mining, agriculture and warfare are significant. Water pollution occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into water bo dies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.Read MoreOne of the greatest problems that the world is facing today is of environmental pollution because1300 Words   |  6 PagesOne of the greatest problems that the world is facing today is of environmental pollution; because it is increasing rapidly every year and causing serious and lasting damage to the earth. The short story â€Å"A Fable for Tomorrow† by Rachel Carson, describes a small beautiful town in America that later became a terrible town because it was overwhelmed by pollution. In addition, most of the technology that is used in today’s society causes pollution, such as cars, and pesticides. Nevertheless, it is really

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Color Blind free essay sample

After my first meeting for training I noticed that I was the only student from a different school; also I was the only black student there. I wondered the entire ten weeks if anyone had noticed that I was the only black student in our group of sixty people. I was sure that they would have notice after spending so much time together during training. When we had our onsite orientation at the campsite I was pared with some of the volunteers I was close to. As we talked about the excitement of being at camp, they finally noticed that I was the only black volunteer. I did not know why it took so long. I thought to myself that they did not really care or it was so obvious that no one really had to say anything. The volunteers said that it was obvious so it did not need to be expressed. We will write a custom essay sample on Color Blind or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At the beginning of the week at camp some volunteers did not recognize me. They mistook me as one of the campers even though we went through training for ten weeks with them. They should have recognized me. As the week went on they began to recognize me as a volunteer. I feel that they recognized me during training because I was the token black girl in the group, and then when the group of minorities that contained a lot of dark skinned kids came they had difficulty pointing me out. In the essay Helping and Hating the Homeless, the author, Peter Marin, explained how people assume that others are apart of a social group because of the way they look. He gave examples on how society think that all homeless people are the people that steal and are the bottom feeders of the neighborhoods; but in his eyes homeless people are the people who are force to live outside of society’s walls. Homeless people are the rebels of this country whom refuse to live by the laws of any man to a certain extent. I felt that the volunteers that I worked with looked right pass me and assumed that I was a camper because of what they saw on the outside instead of really getting to know me. We talked about it after camp was over and they understood my position, and still today I am in contact with my coworkers. Work Cited Peter Marin. â€Å"Helping and Hating the Homeless. † Beyound Borders. Ed. Randall Bass and Joy Young. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003. 167-179. Print

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Lean Manufacturing Tools and Techniques

Question: Discuss about the Lean Manufacturing for Tools and Techniques. Answer: Introduction: Scientific Management : In 1800, Adam Smith was the main individual who built up the theory of Scientific Management. Smith had been the initial individual who segregated the jobs into smaller jobs to work in the processing plant where he worked. To the shock, the work that made 20 sticks a day delivered approximately 4800 sticks per day. Afterwards in the nineteenth century, Frederick Winslow Taylor concocted the scientific management keeping in mind the end goal to enhance the efficiency of workers by breaking down the procedure of work process (Wrege, 2008). Taylor was named as the father of scientific management; furthermore this kind of management was named as Taylorism because of his commitment in comprehension the work process in the manufacturing plants. F.W. Taylor imagined that by dissecting work, the "one best way" to perform it would be discovered. Taylor had exceptionally clear thoughts regarding the way to present his framework: Standardization: It is just by compulsorystandardization of techniques, compulsoryapplication of the best executes and working conditions, and compulsorycollaboration this speedier work can be guaranteed. Also, the obligation of implementing the application of principles and insisting this collaboration rests with management alone. Henry Gantt and Henry Ford provided with the latest description of the scientific management. As per Gantt it is imperative to think *about the workforce physiological necessities. In the hypothesis of scientific management, he didn't look into the points of interest of the deskilling the workforce however he applied the single unsurpassed approach strategy for Taylor (Sharples and Boulay, 2002). As indicated by him, every worker ought to be provided with standardised remuneration along with the reward. He additionally created an arrangement of work that was valuable to the management and also the workforce. Mass production: Afterwards, Henry Ford gave a different scope of the scientific management and his standards were known as Fordism. He was the proprietor of the car organization Ford. He recommended that the large scale manufacturing i.e. mass production is powerful with the assistance of mechanical production system innovation as the work is further more distributed in the work ers (Chandler, 1990). Efficiency at workplace: Prior to this theory it required huge period to finish the job as the staffs was constrained. The strategy of managers was to deliver the items in mass by sequential production system (assembly line). The assembly line systems swiftness decided the swiftness of the labourers. Ford's way to deal with scientific approach was further mechanical where he adapted the job while Taylor's way to deal with scientific management had been to encourage the junior workers in addition to incrementing the efficiency. Nonetheless, afterwards, Taylor's theory had been reprimanded by numerous businesses because he regarded the labourers as robots and had been cruel with them. Fords assumption had been extensively acknowledged through the firms and is applied till date. It won't be right to state that the scientific management isnt applicable nowadays in the business. It is particularly managed by the enterprises nowadays also. One of the greatest clients of scientific management in this period is McDonald's. Its a US- based chain of junk and is available around the world. They chip away at the rule of Ford that is they apply the way of sequential production system (Assembly line). The eateries are structured within a manner that the workforce don't find a way to finish their undertaking in more than 2 steps. Every one of the eateries worldwide is made on a similar idea. Mc Donald had utilized the idea of mechanical production system without bounds furthermore remembered the Lean operations to prevent all sorts of wastage (Feld, 2000). They have put their hardware in such a way, to the point that the waste is alleviated. (Sharples and Boulay, 2002). Contingency Management: The contingency way to deal with management depends on the possibility that there is no single best way to manage and that to be commanding, structuring, sorting out, forceful, and domineering have to be custom fitted to the explicit conditions brazen out by a firm. Supervisors have always enquired, for example, "What is the proper act to accomplish? Would it be a good idea to have an unthinking or a natural structure? An operational or divisional structure? Wide or contract ranges of management? Etc. The contingency ways to deal with management (alternatively termed as the situational way) suppose that there is no wide-ranging retort to these inquiries since firms, people, and incidents are different and amend after some time. In this way, the best thing to achieve is reliant on an intricate mix of basic natural and inward possibilities. Contingency way, otherwise called situational way, is an idea in management expressing that there is no single generally relevant arrangement of management standards (rules) by which to deal with, control or manage the firms. Organizations are separately extraordinary, confront diverse circumstances (contingency factors), and need distinctive ways of management. Lean Production: As per contingency leadership theory, the organizations structure (e.g. lean manufacturing) impacts leadership qualities (Weitz, 1991). In light of past reviews on administrative work in lean manufacturing definition of wanted (patrons like intention arouser, execution arranged and so on.) and unwanted (inhibitors like imperious, authoritarian and so forth) leadership characteristics of Lean production chiefs are given. Structure of organization: Contingency strategy as created by Kieser and Kubicek declares that the prescribed structure of a firm characterizes the parts of its individuals particularly and in this way guides their conduct to a specific level. The execution of the firm relies upon how much these responsibility descriptions empower individuals to adapt to the prerequisites coming about because of the setting of the organization. Mc Donald had embraced the approach of Ford as well as of Taylor as at the eateries every undertaking has been segregated into secondary assignments like preparing a ham burger, where the burger is barbecued, subsequent is to put veggies, including sauces, including cheddar and enfolding it finally. With this, the laborers effectiveness is expanded and the guidelines are kept up all through the outlets. The use of different apparatuses like French fries appliance, containers for beverages, and so forth are utilized to complete the assignment in a gainful way, they are altogether received from the hypotheses of Taylor and Fords scientific management. Subsequently it is not incorrect to state that the standards of scientific management are acknowledged in current era too and are not part of nineteenth century. But, it is reprimanded by individuals as the specialists who are very much talented did not find the opportunity to demonstrate their aptitudes as they needed to do same assignme nt on and on. Performing just a single undertaking over and over makes the task as exhausting for the employees since they lose the inspiration and accordingly works pitifully. Joan Woodward (1958) - one of the leaders in stirring organization hypothesis to the contingency thinking strategy, has concentrated the impact of the innovation on the organizations. Woodward expressed "diverse advancements forced various types of wants, and these wants needed to fulfill through a proper structure. Monetarily effective firms appeared to be those in which capacity and frame were correlative. Goals being pursued: The contingency thinking attaches the doubts of situation and outer elements affecting work with setting-based components of authority and basic leadership. The contingency thinking hypothesis focuses to different administrative goals, acts, approaches, methods, and capacities will shift as indicated by the specific conditions of the circumstance. Risks and uncertainties: In any case, confronting the extraordinary and expanding vulnerability and uncertainties while dealing with organizations, it is not shocking that the firms utilizing the classical management strategies need resolutions. As per the contingency approach, it looks for a suitable way(s) to deal with a firm. A few firms may enlist management consultant to assist in recognizing the successful approaches to manage the present conditions, latest approaches and laws, political problems, latest markets, latest contenders, and so forth. In short, the classical management theories are frequently reprimanded as disregarding the human wants, and it seldom contemplates the individual mistakes. These theories even disregarded the variable performance of people. Thus, a few contingency methodologies were created simultaneously in the late 1960s. In his book Images of Organization (2007), Gareth Morgan portrays the primary thoughts of contingency as below: Firms are open frameworks that require watchful management to fulfil and adjust interior wants and to adjust to environment There is no single best-way of sorting out. The fitting structure relies upon the sort of errand or surroundings one is managing Managers have to be aware, most importantly, of accomplishing arrangements and best suitability, and Diverse sorts of firms and structures are required in various sorts of environments. Latest Technology: It's unmistakable now that there is doubtlessly the powerful management and firms are relied upon an assortment of basic components. The vast majority of those essential variables (organizational structure, managerial approach, and informal gatherings) are outer to the firm. Basically, on the grounds that distinctive firms confront diverse conditions, have distinctive conditions, gauges, capital, and so on. It merits specifying the essential sorts of contingency: A firms technology to produce its size Its errand surroundings. Employees management: The contingency thinking comes to the supervision from a very surprising point of view than the manner in which old management scholars (e.g. Weber and Weber) led. They accepted that they have found the "one-best-way" of controlling and managing the firms; then again, the skilled administrators realize that there is none "one-best-way". As per the contingency approach there is no classical one best way and there is a need to know differences in staffs and react suitably to them. Contingency theory is an identification of the great significance of an employees performance in any specified circumstances. The contingency approach is fully reliant on the experience and decision of the manager in a specified situation, and on the reaction of different kinds of staffs. As such, not every one of the workforce, circumstances, conditions and surroundings ought to be dealt with indistinguishably. Along these lines, the contingency thinking proposes numerous approaches which chiefs can apply as per the circumstance they face. References Chandler, A.D., Jr. (1990). Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press Feld, W. (2000). Lean manufacturing: Tools, techniques and how to use them. Boca Raton, FL: St. Lucie Press. Sharples, M. du Boulay, G.H. (2002). Socio-cognitive engineering: A methodology for the design of human centered technology. European Journal of Operational Research, 136: 310-323. Weitz, B.A. (1991). "Effectiveness in Sales Interactions: A Contingency Framework", Joumal of Marketing, Vol. 45, Winter, pp. 85-103. Woodward, J. (1958).Management and Technology. London: Her Majestys Stationary Office. Wrege, C.D. (2008). F.W. Taylors Lectures on Management, June 4, 1907, Journal of Management History, 14: 209-213.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Outline SNAP4 SCI HS CHEM Essay

Outline SNAP4 SCI HS CHEM Essay Outline SNAP4 SCI HS CHEM Essay 2014-2015 SPRING DISTRICT SNAPSHOT #4 OUTLINE Subject: Science Grade: Chemistry Snapshot: Snapshot #4 Standards: Ⓡ CHEM.10B, Ⓡ CHEM.10E, Ⓡ CHEM.10F, Ⓢ CHEM.10D, Ⓢ CHEM.10A, Ⓡ CHEM.8B, Ⓡ CHEM.8D Recommended Administration Window: February 2-6, 2015 Standard Question Number Question Type Level of Rigor (DOK)1 Details Ⓡ CHEM.10B Develop and use general rules regarding solubility through investigations with aqueous solutions. Q1 MC 1 Student uses a table of solubility rules to identify which of a set of chemicals is soluble. Q2 MC 2 Student identifies which pair of substances can be separated through filtration. Q3 MC 3 Student analyzes an incomplete chemical reaction involving precipitates from aqueous solutions to identify the missing compound. Ⓡ CHEM.10E Distinguish between types of solutions such as electrolytes and nonelectrolytes and unsaturated, saturated, and supersaturated solutions. Q1 MC 1 Student identifies the definition of one of the terms from the standard. Q2 MC 2 Student uses a solubility curve to determine either the quantity of a substance that can be dissolved in a given amount of water at a given temperature, or the temperature at which a given quantity of a substance can be dissolved in a given amount of water. Q3 MC 2 Student uses information about an investigation and terminology from the standard to explain an observation from the investigation. Ⓡ CHEM.10F Investigate factors that influence solubilities and rates of dissolution such as temperature, agitation, and surface area. Q1 MC 1 Student identifies which of a list of methods would speed or slow the rate of dissolution of a substance. Q2 MC 2 Student uses a graph showing solubility curves to identify the substance whose solubility has a specified property or rate. Q3 MC 3 Student analyzes a graph of solubility curves and information from an experiment to determine the identity of an unknown substance. Ⓢ CHEM.10D Use molarity to calculate the dilutions of solutions. Q1 GR 2 Student calculates the quantity or molarity of a substance necessary for a specified dilution. Q2 MC 3 Student analyzes information about possible dilutions to determine which one was calculated correctly or incorrectly. Ⓢ CHEM.10A Describe the unique role of water in chemical and biological systems. Q1 MC 2 Student identifies an example of a unique property of water that contributes to its role in chemical and/or biological systems. Q2 MC 1 Student identifies the property of water that enables it to perform specified functions. Ⓡ CHEM.8B Use the mole concept to calculate the number of atoms, ions, or molecules in a sample of material. Q1 MC 4 Student evaluates a calculation involving the concepts in the standard to determine why the

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethical Problems in Subprime Mortgage Crisis Essay

Ethical Problems in Subprime Mortgage Crisis - Essay Example The lack of transparency and accountability had distorted the decision-making process for granting the loans, weakened the banking and finance system and allied industries and eroded public confidernce in the subprime lending sector. First, the international credit rating agencies gave investment-grade ratings to the securitization transactions holding the subprime mortgages. This consistent high ratings misled the corporate and individual investors and large banks to invest heavily in subprime stocks since the ratings did not reflect the high default rates and foreclosures which were beginning to show in this sector. This is highly unethical since many international banks were duped into investing in housing stocks which did not reflect real market values or in some cases were actually worthless. Second, the mortgage brokers failed to be transparent enough to determine if the prospective borrowers really had the capacity to pay the debt. They were more concerned about earning their financial commissions from the sales of homes. This is unethical since they were giving a resource (asset) to persons who cannot afford it. There is a need to link their compensation to the financial performance of their respective loan accounts. Third, the mortgage lenders

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Social Psychology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Social Psychology - Assignment Example Consequently, I seldom participated in get together or other social activities conducted within school premises by my class-fellows. It is therefore, the boys and girls considered me as a very temperamental, unpredictable and arrogant person. One of my girl class-fellows, called Sandy, was very naughty and lively student. She looked like a tom-boy, and participated in sports and games, and every mischief observed by the naughty students. She did not like such a book worm like me, and always displayed her disliking for too much study and no play in quite an innocent mode. She cited psychological causes that led humans towards isolation and described the reasons behind leading the lonely life. â€Å"Lonely people have an intense longing to be needed and wanted by someone else. Some people suffer from loneliness from time to time, and for some it’s a daily way of life. Most lonely people wear the affects of it on their face with a sad continence or a dejected look.† (Nicel y, 2008: 1) But it was not the case actually; rather, I wanted to spend most of my time in the world of literature, colors and imagination. I even had no care regarding the views my class-mates maintained about me. Time was passing with its usual flow, and everything appeared to be routine matter. Then one day one single event made revolutionary changes in my life. It was a pleasant April morning, when the speech contest was going to be held at school level. One student from 7th to 10th grade could participate in the contest. I was one of the spectators, when I found my class-teacher in a perplexed state. On enquiry, I came to know that the contester from our class was absent from the school and there was no one to represent our class. Since everyone knew that I had vast knowledge of almost all topics, the teacher requested me to represent the class. After little hesitation, I stepped forward and spoke at

Monday, November 18, 2019

Why Mall of America Is My Favorite Hangout Essay

Why Mall of America Is My Favorite Hangout - Essay Example I have to admit that this mall is special at least going by the number of visitors it receives annually. Perhaps a fascinating feature about this facility is that besides being the leading mall in North America, it also an entertainment enthusiasts’ establishment [ALLITERATION]. In fact, it hosts a number of high-class restaurants and attractions including nostalgic memorials and artifacts [PERSONIFICATION]. [BACKGROUND]. This essay using imagery and three rhetorical devices intensively describes the Mall of America, particularly why it is a special and favorite place to me [THESIS SENTENCE]. Essentially, the mall contains a number of facilities ranging from stores to restaurants that are as vibrant as those found in New York City. In fact, The Theme Park Food Court, LEGO and The Hooters restaurant on levels two and four respectively, provide customers with finger licking meals [METAPHOR] that would make one a slave to the restaurants [METAPHOR]. As one passes by the pavement of the eateries, all they see are sumptuous and savory meals [ALLITERATION] inviting them for a taste [PERSONIFICATION]. When it comes to the attractions at the Mall of America, the mall is a tourists’ heaven [METAPHOR] considering the numerous theme parks and roller coasters. Additionally, the mall Sea Life Minnesota Aquarium is a sight to behold [METAPHOR] for anyone who loves watching sea animals. Principally, the sea animals in the aquarium are as proud as peacocks [SIMILE], judging by the way the manner in which they swim across the thick glass wall. Concerning the memorials and artifacts found in the mall of America, I feel it earnest to note that the United Airline flight 93 memorial that was laid after the September 11 attack is both a nostalgic and melancholic sight [METAPHOR]. Nonetheless, the stadium seat in honor one that was hit by Harmon Killebrew greets all [PERSONIFICATION] that enter through the door.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Comparison of Drug Delivery Systems

Comparison of Drug Delivery Systems 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Current Status of Drug Delivery Systems During the past two decades, Drug development technology in Pharmaceutical Industry with innovations in formulation development have received a lot of attention. Drug delivery as an opportunity to extend product life cycles has indeed proved its place in the market with significant advantages of therapeutic gains as well as commercial success. In India drug development technology is still in nascent stage with academia and research institutes collaboration as main stay of the development of novel products. The main motto of Indian companies, in the development of newer pharmaceutical formulations by using NCE in order to achieve by providing cost effective, therapeutically effective with short term and long term options. While development in the oral route is still the main focus, pulmonary, cutaneous, transdermal and other multiple routes are gaining increased attention1. The application of modern technology in the field of drugs administered via oral, parenteral, pulmonary and intra-ocular finds a newer, better than the conventional dosage forms is an important era in the drug delivery. The health scenario in India demands Novel Drug Delivery Systems (NDDS) for more than 20 diseases and conditions for which rationale for such system is established. More than half of these conditions are prevalent in India and other developing and under-developing countries only and offer a great challenge and opportunity for the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry2. A number of drug delivery platform technologies currently exist that may be adapted to various drug molecules to yield superior medicines. Such medicines while offering obvious benefits to patients will also generate a more stable and patent protected revenue stream3. Although the drug delivery concept is not new, a great progress has recently been done in the treatment of variety of diseases. Targeting delivery of the drugs to the lesions and controlling the release rate at the site of action is the most important aspect of Drug Delivery System. Research is being carried out throughout the world at a great place, devising strategies for drug delivery to overcome biological barriers and the physiochemical properties of the modern drugs. Above all the prominence of drug delivery systems can be understood by the variety that out of the $250 billion worldwide value of pharmaceuticals, 10% is attributed to it4. In this context controlled drug delivery along with targeted drug delivery forms the essence of modern and future drug delivery systems. 1.2. Controlled Drug Delivery Systems As the name implies, CDDS serves two functions. First it involves transport of the drug to particular part of the body and the second function is that of the controlled release. The main advantages of Controlled drug delivery systems are: Maintenance of optimum therapeutic drug concentration in the blood with minimum fluctuations. Predictable and reproducible delivery for extended duration. Enhancement of activation duration for short half life drugs. Minimizes the side effects. Reduce the frequent dosing. Reduce the wastage of drug. Better patient compliance. 1.2.1. Oral Controlled drug Delivery Systems Oral controlled release technology was evolved with matrix technology. Several research papers in the 1950s and 1960s reported as simple matrix tablets or monolithic granules. In 1952, a new formulation â€Å"spansule† a timed- release formulation was introduced by Smith Kline French which launched a widespread search for other applications in the design of dosage forms. Advances in oral controlled release technology are attributed to the development of novel biocompatible polymers and machineries that allow preparation of novel design dosage forms in a reproducible manner5. For controlled release systems, the oral route has by far received most attention and success because of the fact that gastro-intestinal physiology offers more flexibility in dosage form design than other routes6. Apart from that owing to patient acceptance, convenience of administration, cost-effective manufacturing, and generally long product shelf-life is a continuous emphasis to develop oral formulati ons will persist. Some of the marketed oral controlled release products were listed in table no.1.1. Table No. 1.1. Marketed oral controlled release products7 1.2.2. Particulate Oral Drug Delivery System In any drug delivery system the use of carriers to convey a certain dose of the drug is important as drug itself. Various carrier systems in application till date are macromolecular drug carriers, micellar systems, liposomes, red cells and microparticulates. These were used to carry a wide variety of pharmaceutical agents in a number of different therapeutic situations. Among these chiefly microparticulate carriers has been accounted for an important potential application in the administration of therapeutic molecules such as sustained drug delivery in cancer and infectious disease or for the administration of gut labile drugs8. Moreover, due to their size microparticulates are not usually administered through intravenous routes but via alternate routes. Thus, inclusion of drugs in microparticulate carriers clearly holds significant promise for the improvement in the therapy of several disease categories. They serve many purposes9 such as: Protecting the incorporated components from degradation Controlling drug release Increasing adjuvancy Targeting to the specific sites. Due to the unique physiological conditions in the GI tract, the particulate systems are required to meet the following criteria before they can be used as effective oral delivery vehicles10. Firstly they should be resistant to undergo degradation in GI tract. The encapsulated drug in the particles need to be absorbed with high efficiency in GI tract to be therapeutically effective. Currently it is believed that, less than 1% of the particles can be absorbed after oral administration. 1.3. Biodegradable polymers and Mucoadhesion Mucoadhesive polymers Mucoadhesive polymers11 have properties to get adhered to the mucus membrane and hence capable of prolonging the contact time of the drug with a body tissue. The use of mucoadhesive polymers can significantly improve the performance of many drugs. This improvement ranges from better treatment of local pathologies to improved bioavailability and controlled release to enhance patient compliance. Ideal characteristics of mucoadhesive polymers12 It should be able to accommodate both oil and water soluble drugs for the purpose of controlled drug delivery. It should possess an optimum molecular weight to the mucoadhesive. It should demonstrate local enzyme inhibition and penetration enhancement properties. It should show specificity for attachment to an area or cellular site. It should show specificity and stimulate endocytosis. It should be inert and compatible with the environment. It should be easy and inexpensive to fabricate. It should have good mechanical strength. It should possess a wide margin of safety both locally and systemically. Microspheres can be defined as solid, approximately spherical particles ranging in size from 1 to 1000 ÃŽ ¼m. They are made of polymeric, waxy or other protective materials, i.e. biodegradable synthetic polymers and modified natural products such as starches, gums, proteins, fats and waxes. Microspheres are small and have large surface to volume ratio. At the lower end of their size range they have colloidal properties. The interfacial properties of microspheres are extremely important, often dictating their activity. Microparticles are of two types Microcapsules: The entrapped substance is completely surrounded by a distinct capsule wall. Microspheres: The entrapped substance is dispersed throughout the microsphere matrix are shown in the Fig: 1.1. Fig: 1.1. Differentiation between microcapsules and microspheres Microsphere carrier systems made from the naturally occurring biodegradable polymers have attracted considerable attention for several years in sustained drug delivery. However, due to short residence time at the site of absorption, the success of these microspheres is limited. By providing the drug delivery system a means of intimate contact with the absorbing membrane, these delivery systems would be advantageous which can be achieved by coupling mucoadhesion characteristics to microspheres and developing mucoadhesive microspheres13,14.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Heartfelt Wedding Speech by the Father of the Groom -- Wedding Toast

A Heartfelt Wedding Speech by the Father of the Groom There is a small amount of humor at the beginning and toward the end of the speech, but it is the sentiment that makes it special. The speech ends with some advice for the bride and groom, which is touching, and a toast in the form of a poem. The happy couple, reverend celebrant, dear guests. The first wedding speech I ever gave was in 1958 when I married the groom's mother. Oh, I was in love! I remember clearly what a great feeling courtship gave me. I used to lie awake all night thinking about something she said. After we married and had four kids I'd fall asleep before she finished saying it. I'd like to focus on my son for a moment. He's married now, this may be his last chance to be the center of attention. His arrival on this earth was a most significant event for us as his safe delivery was my wife's first after many disappointments. He was both long-awaited and much-wanted. Other birth disappointments followed but where there is a strong desire for offspring there is a way and eventually We were blessed with four lovely children. And they in turn have given me grandchildren who give me great pleasure. When you are raising your kids you often wonder if You are getting it right. Forgive my little boast, but when I see how my children have turned out, its all been worthwhile. Every one of them, their partners, and my grandchildren are worth knowing. My son did not get the best start in life, losing his mother when he was sixteen years of age. Having me as a father did not always help. Fewfathers aree equipped to be mothers too, to bridge the gap successfully. His mother and I felt he got every one of the personal qualities of both of us. Some of ... ...iderable amount of hard work and organization and I commend the bride and groom for the effort they have made to ensure a day worth remembering. It’s their day, they’ve worked hard, and done good. What I wish most for them is that they be each other’s best mate. You can have all the love in the world swirling through the ether, flashing lights, sky rockets and balloons going up, but unless your partner is your best mate, the one who is always there for you, the one most interested in what you think and say, you will be missing out on the best of life's greatest institution. Would you please join me in this toast to the newlyweds: May you live as long as you like, and have all you need for as long as you live. May the road you choose be smooth, and your burdens light. May your pleasure in each other, grow with your years together. The bride and groom.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Comparing Spoken and Written Communication

Comparing spoken and written communication Spoken language and web based communication are different from each other: they both have different features and aspects. Spoken language takes place in person, is transitory and relies on sounds. Whereas web based communication takes place online where speakers can be many miles apart during a conversation. So the features in web based communication are not present in spoken communication. A common factor which is required for a spoken conversation is turn-taking.This is when another speaker(s) allow the active speaker to finish conveying their point without interrupting. An example in my transcript is ‘Or do you want to check? ’ which is a complete utterance then the reply is ‘We’ll both check’. After person H has finished speaking only then does person F reply, this makes sure that the person speaking has the chance to say what they want to. Turn-taking allows a long and meaningful conversation to take pla ce. If a speaker is interrupted, the other speaker will not be able to produce a sufficient response, causing the conversation to eventually end.Many spoken conversation conversations contain spontaneity; face to face conversations have to be quick and spontaneous. Speakers need to think of what they are going to say almost immediately. Rapid responses can avoid awkward and unwanted pauses. Sometimes the time given for a response is often too short, so to give the speaker some time to think about what to say next, fillers are used. An example is ‘Erm, I don’t know’. Fillers are commonly used at the beginning of a sentence or in the middle when the speaker is unsure of what to say (next).Without fillers the previous speaker may think they are still required to speak. We based communication can be considered as a mixture of written and spoken language as it has the spontaneous feature of spoken language but written as it gives the reader some margin in the time for their response. Some features such as fillers and non-fluency pauses are not displayed in web based language. Also as it is not done face to face, responders use other means of showing emotion, emphasis and in some circumstances, context.This leads to my first difference between web based and spoken language. As web based communication is made mostly of numbers, words and symbols. The actual meaning in spoken language is normally shown by the speakers tone, facial expression and gestures – which can be distorted, making it hard to display the literal meaning of text (pragmatics). So to get around this situation, online communications often use numbers, symbols and emoticons as representations of facial expressions.For example person F says ‘Yh, it woz sooo easy :)’ the emoticon was made using a colon and a closing bracket, indicating the casual and acknowledging manner as it would have been spoken as it a face to face conversation between person F and H. Feature s like these are not present in spoken language because they are already indicated by paralinguistic features. For example hand/body gestures and facial language of the speaker(s) which allow the pragmatic meaning and context to be understood properly.Another difference between spoken and web based communication is the way particular words and phrases are accentuated with the purpose to change the anticipated meaning. In spoken language this is done through the elongation of words such as ‘Hiiii’, or through altering the intonation of the voice, these are examples of prosodic features. Elongation is when a word is extended to place emphasis on the word(s) and to highlight its significance in the conversation However, while elongation of words in web based communication can simply be depicted as the repletion of vowels or consonants.Words in web based communication are not heard but read; consequently the physical varying of dynamics cannot be expressed. I have explored the differences between web based and spoken language but similarities are also shared between the two. Whilst speaking, specifically during long conversations, speakers often wish to speak as quickly and efficiently as possible to avoid zoning out and causing ear aches to yourself or the person you are talking to.Therefore to avoid any of the above from happening elision and ellipsis are used, elision is the omission of a vowel or syllable to make a word shorter by omitting a vowel or syllable (e. g. didn’t, won’t, can’t, etc. ) or by combining two words together for example: gonna which is going and to, wanna which is want and to. Elision is when whole words are removed from context but the utterance can still be understood for example ‘Same, just sitting down. ’ is a shortened version of ‘I’m doing the same thing, just sitting down’.This is also visible in web based communication; ellipsis and elision are used to convey a mess age quicker. However, unlike in spoken communication, this is done because many people are not able to type letters quickly or some websites such as twitter impose a character limit so acronyms and abbreviations are used to reduce the number of letters, spaces, symbols and numbers in the message. An example of an acronym is ‘†¦g2g†¦ ’ this stands for ‘got to go’ so it is a more rapid way of getting a message across using 2 letters and a number, especially when a person online has to go.Word shortening, using ellipsis and elision is more apparent online than in spoken language. The word length is determined by how many syllables a word has, not letters. For that reason numerous acronyms are used online as opposed to a spoken conversation, as acronyms do not provide any benefit in spoken communication. In today’s society and culture spoken communication is valued more than web based communication; this is why a good speech holds more signific ance and inspiration than an article online, spoken communication is genuine, authentic and unique.This could be due to the fact that the speakers tone, facial expression, gestures and emotion is expressed, whereas in web based communication we stare an emotionless, cold and bare wall of text. It may also be attributable to the point that the full capability of the internet has not yet been demoralised. Many people see web speak as one of the factors that vitiates the English language and contributes to poor spelling and bad grammar. Conversely others see it as a quick, efficient and practical way of communicating with one another when the means to do so are limited in terms of length and speech.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Catcher In The Rye Essays (1020 words) - Literary Realism

Catcher In The Rye Essays (1020 words) - Literary Realism Catcher In The Rye The Impossible Job: Catcher in the Rye Recent studies show that depression is common among teenagers. Although the research may be new, it is not a new disease that has occupied teenagers. In the novel Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, the main character Holden Caufield is a depressed young man searching for good in the world; scenes in this story push Holden over the edge until he has an epiphany that eventually causes him to have a breakdown. Holden's constant inquiry about the location of the ducks in Central Park and his conversation with Sunny, instead of sexual intercourse, signify a lost boy in desperate need of help. Holden interrogates two taxi cab drivers about the location of the ducks during winter in Central Park. As Holden questions the second driver, Horwitz, the taxi cab driver responds by relating the ducks to the fish in the lake. The taxi cab driver irritably responds to Holden's barrage of questions by replying, If you was a fish, Mother Nature'd take care of you, wouldn't she? (109) The answer is satisfactory to Holden because he knows that wherever the ducks may be, they are taken care of. Holden's motive for wanting to know where the ducks fly in winter is that he cares for them because they relate to him. Similarly, Holden is subconsciously searching for help; he believes that by helping others, such as the ducks, he will find good in the world that will warm his heart and cure him of his depression. However, he finds the ducks do not cure his depression and again he discovers himself feeling lonely. Soon after the duck incident, Holden has his first encounter with Sunny. He starts talking to her and states his (phony) age. Sunny responds, Like fun you are. (123) Then, Holden recognizes she is just a kid; prostitution is no way for a child to live. As Holden tries to reach out to her by initiating a conversation, instead of sex, she only pushes him away by stating, Let's go. (125) Sunny eventually leaves and again Holden feels depressed. He only wishes to help her because subconsciously he could relate to her: they were both trapped in a world in which they did not want to participate. Mr. Antolini's discussion with Holden, identifying his problem, causes Holden's depression to soar to a new level. Holden calls Mr. Antolini because he remembers him as a decent man with whom he could hold a decent conversation. Thus Holden enters his apartment and Mr. Antolini recognizes something is wrong with Holden. Mr. Antolini vocalizes his concerns by stating that Holden is riding for some kind of a terrible, terrible fall. (242) Holden cowers away from his advice by thinking to himself he is tired. However, Mr. Antolini hammers on stating, But I do say that educated and scholarly men, if they're brilliant and scholarly to begin with-which, unfortunately, is rarely the case-tend to leave infinitely more valuable records behind them than men do who are merely brilliant and creative. (246) Mr. Antolini is trying to help Holden by saying that if he does not apply himself to receiving an education, he is ruining and depriving himself of a happy life; his future will depend on the degree of his education. Holden tells himself he is tired and in fact, he is actually establishing a wall in order to block out Mr. Antolini's advice. Later, Holden goes to bed and finds Mr. Antolini stroking his head. He exclaims, What the hellya doing? (249) Holden's new wall is the assumption that Mr. Antolini is a homosexual. As a result, Holden believes this gives him the right to flee from Mr. Antolini's apartment. Later, Holden becomes more depressed as he realizes Mr. Antolini was only admiring him but, he realizes this at a safe distance. It is another part of his wall to not hear more of Mr. Antolini's diagnosis; he knows he will never return to the Antolini's apartment. Holden's depression deepens as he has an epiphany both in the museum and at the carousel. For example, Holden stands in a tomb (in the museum) and again he views another Fuck you scrawled under the

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Female Rights in Kuwait essays

Female Rights in Kuwait essays When we read reports by the western media or government agencies, such as the Human Rights Watch of the US Department of State, we note that there is a very high degree of bias against social, legal, and political, and religious practices in Arab countries. This bias is primarily due to the insistance of judging our practices, and culture, according to Western practices and culture and, naturally, there is a tremendous difference between the two. One area of concern in the West is human rights issues in Arab countries, with a strong focus on womens rights. According to the Western perspective, Arab women do not have access to the most basic human rights enjoyed by Western women, are discriminated against by law, and are denied any effective role in their societies. The West incorrectly assumes that such abuse is established by Islam. In fact, the Quran explicitly establishes gender equality, contrary to Western perceptions of it supporting gender discrimination. In Sura 3, Vers e 195 it states that be it man or woman, each of you is equal to the other (Gender Equality In Islam 1). Islamic law, as defined by both the Quran and the Prophets Hadith, outlines womens economic, political and social rights, further prohibiting all form of violence against females (An Islamic Perspective of Violence Against Women 1). The simple fact is, however, Arab culture and practices, as defined by Islam, are different from those of the West as are concepts regarding female rights. Apart from voting, Kuwaiti women have access to their Islamic rights and, consequently, are among the most highly educated in the region, are economically active, and are involved in organizations demanding the implementation of the political rights. The western media and human rights organizations state that Kuwait does not recognize the rights of its female population, and that the legal system actively encoura...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Arbitration Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Arbitration Law - Assignment Example First the seat of the arbitration3 should be in England or any other country signatory to Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, or Panama Conventions to ensure enforcement of arbitral awards.4 The seat should, as far as possible, be outside jurisdictions  known for judicial interference. For example, the Argentine Supreme Court, in June 2004 Cartellone decision,5 held that waivers were invalid when issues of public policy are at stake.6 Secondly, the clause should include a commitment by the company to resolve disputes through arbitration such that rights and duties of each party cannot be determined by a unilateral action of the host state. With regards to the laws applicable, article 4(2) of ICSID convention gives the parties autonomy to decide the law that is applicable to them, whether national law or international law. Article 4(2) requires an ICSID tribunal, in the absence of agreement by the parties on applicable la w, to apply laws that are applicable in the state party that is a party to the dispute, and rules of international law that are applicable. In AIG Capital Partners Inc. v. ... The scope8 of the clause should be wide and cover all the possible disputes that are likely to arise from the contract. With regards to an arbitral tribunal,9 TLG should advocate for an institutional rather than ad hoc one. Most importantly, the government of Languada should expressly waive its immunity with regards to both jurisdiction and execution of the arbitral award. Enforcement proceeding against assets of state owned companies may implicate issues under state and foreign law. Moreover, they should structure the clause so as to gain access to the arbitral jurisdiction established by international investment treaties.10 In conclusion, TLG should consider including the model clause proposed by ICSID or any other international body such as ACICA.11 Word count: 475 References. Arbitration Act 1996 s 1(c)Arbitration Act 1996 s 3 Arbitration Act 1996 s 3 Arbitration Act s 15 Case law GSS Group v. National Port Authority Civil Action No. 09-1322 (PLF) (D.D.C. Mar. 2011. AIG Capital P artners Inc. v. Republic of Kazakhstan. Internet Sources Applicable Law in Investor-State Arbitration, (accessed March 19, 2012). Asit Ranjan Mishra, Mint, New Delhi. India rejects investor-state clause in FTA with EU. July 4. Sierra club of Canada. Accessed 19t march 2011) Others Bishop R, Crawford J & Riesman M. cases. Foreign investment disputes: cases, materials, and commentary.(Kluwer Law International. 2005 Dugan, C. Enforcement Against Assets of State-owned Companies. (September 2009). Dugan C, Rubin, N, Wallace D, & Sabahi, B. Investor-state Arbitration. (Cambridge University

Friday, November 1, 2019

Globalisation , the World Economy and MNEs Essay - 3

Globalisation , the World Economy and MNEs - Essay Example With increased competition, changing customers and ever changing technology, the fundamental part of RIM’s strategy was to expand the global reach of the Blackberry (Gillete et. al. 2013). RIM had the following options for expansion: RIM needed to further increase its core R&D activities. RIM already had a very successful local hiring strategy in place for this. Continuing with the same and increasing the magnitude would have fit with its existing approach and was also less risky. However, in order to be a global player, it had to look for talent worldwide. Having the same source supplier for new talent would have its limitations. One way was to expand Co-op programs at Waterloo to other universities and to hire more aggressively. The bond between Waterloo and RIM was loyal and reiterating the same loyalty with the other universities could yield desired results. Like other players in the industry RIM posted job openings online but with huge job applications mapping a right candidate to the right team was a tough job. Also, the competitors had a better hiring and on boarding process. RIM lacked a formal system of managing candidates. It needed to come up with an advanced system such as Global Scouting Platform of Microsoft to find the best talent worldwide. RIM had started expanding R&D and development centers at various locations and had the option to add more locations. However, the locations had to be strategic and the cost of resources had also to be taken into account. While expanding RIM had certain selection criteria while choosing new product and development sites such as having talented individuals, universities with strong technical programs and preferred base of software and hardware companies. However, the decentralization could lead to increased bureaucracy and add to management costs of the company. In past RIM had done some acquisitions which were

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Adult Learner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

Adult Learner - Essay Example According to Slaney personal or collective interference can assist adult learners look at the optimistic feature of interrupting satisfaction to complete higher education. Contributors should assist adult learners concentrate on all three predilections. Even with the difficult family and professional responsibilities adult learners discover to cope: attain educational objective becomes supreme. The changeover in the educational surroundings itself can be a test for adult learners. Adult learners create equilibrium in habitat, employment, and school tasks. While tackling with individual matters adult learners are also required to concentrate on the requirements of formal learning. Adult learners who know the political character of education are being sensible about the method and atmosphere of higher education. Beginners may at first need assistance with this job. The openings propel an obvious note of greeting to adult learners. Educational surroundings that make easy learning for adults are friendly places. The replica proposes a heuristic instrument for investigation on the apprehensions of adult learners. Adult learners vary in their ability of tackling with the structure; establishment of higher education vary in their consideration to the requirements of adult learners. The Adult Persistence in Learning approach offers a deliberate road map to direct counseling involvement with adult learners in higher education. So MacKinnon Slaney’s article directly relates to our course material as the writers agree that adults should be able to change

Monday, October 28, 2019

The view that assisted suicide is an act of compassion Essay Example for Free

The view that assisted suicide is an act of compassion Essay Assisted suicide can be an act of compassion because it relieves immense suffering both for the patient and the family. Thinking that it is purely about pain is naà ¯ve, in reality terminally ill patients fear the loss of independence, dignity and function more than pain. Pain can be managed, but other regressive symptoms cannot. When considering this issue, utilitarianists think about quality of life as well as quantity of life. Sometimes assisted dying may be necessary to produce the greatest amount of happiness. There is little to be gained from keeping someone alive when they are dependent on machines to carry out basic functions. Ultimately suicide is a tragic but conscientious moral choice. For some patients euthanasia will be seen as the ultimate expression of autonomy in that they determine the time and mode of their dying. It may be the only thing left they are able to control. If we have the right to life it follows that we should also have the right to die in our own terms. To force someone to continue living against their will could be considered torture. Society’s views are changing regarding assisted suicide, which is demonstrated even by the change in language used. The media now refers to it as assisted dying, or mercy killing. Although it remains illegal in the UK, the public opinion is gradually changing. Even some Christians believe that it can be a charitable act. Paul Badham, an Anglican priest, wrote a book in favour of assisted suicide for both social and economic reasons. However, the Christian Medical Fellowship dismissed it: â€Å"The highly selective and infrequent use of the Bible, the pick n mix theology, the fundamentalist view of human autonomy, and the slapdash use of Church history do not constitute a Christian case at all.† On the other hand, many believe that assisted suicide is not an act of compassion. These views are usually influenced by Christian teaching. The Bible speaks much about God’s control of when we die, such as Job 14:5: â€Å"Since his days are determined, The number of his months is with You; And his limits You have set so that he cannot pass.† There are cases of people seeking assisted suicide in the Old Testament, but these requests tend to come from disobedient characters such as Saul. Furthermore, just because the Bible records an event does not mean God approves of it. Christians would instead promote palliative care as a better option. Furthermore, opponents of assisted suicide often cite the slippery slope argument. We are descending into a culture of death. Many opponents would fear that even the strictest of legislation would gradually be opened up until assisted suicide is available on demand. This has already been witnessed with abortion. Legislation that was supposed to only allow it in exceptional cases has been revised to a point where it is available on demand. Finally, assisted suicide is not an act of compassion because it breaks down professional and legal norms. Doctors are supposed to be preservers of life, not bringers of death. It would transform the job description of a doctor. Assisted suicide is contrary to the Hippocratic oath, which sets forth certain ethical standards for doctors – including, â€Å"you will exercise your art purely for the cure of your patients.† To conclude, our opinion on any form of suicide will depend on how we see our own bodies. Are they mere disposable tools, or do they have a higher, divinely ordained purpose? To quote Dignity in Dying, â€Å"An assisted dying law would not result in more people dying, but in fewer people suffering.†

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Roman Medicine Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Romans used both scientific and mythological methods in their medicine. By adopting the methods of Greek medicine; the Romans obtained a solid foundation. They copied Hippocrates, who separated the study of medicine from philosophy and had an overall approach to the health of humans. Hippocrates also observed the habits and environment of humans to accurately determine illnesses and discover treatments. The Romans adapted the Hippocratic method and combined it with mythical and religious views. The Romans used Greek methods, and also included prayers and offerings to the gods. Although all gods had healing powers, Aesculapius, the god of healing, was the most important. Unlike today, the Ancient Roman doctors received no respect, because they were considered to be fraudilant. This reputation was caused by the doctors magical tricks, and the lack of useful treatments. The job required minimal training, as they only had to apprentice with their senior. Thus, many free slaves and people who had failed at everything else filled this profession. Some did try to find new remedies; however, others used medicine to con people. Public surgeries were done to attract audiences as an advertisement. Doctors would even become beauticians providing perfumes, cosmetics, and even hairdressing. When wives wanted their husbands gone, they would say,  ¡Ã‚ §put the patient out of his misery ¡Ã‚ ¨ and the doctors would be the murderers. However, as wars began to break out, there were improvements bec...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

High School and Prom Essay

‘’ Did I dream that we danced forever, in a wish that we made together on a night that I prayed would never end ‘’ One of the most unforgettable moments in my life is in my high school days particularly the most awaited event of high school student is the junior and senior prom. I’m in my third year high school It’s Friday February 15, 2008 all the junior and senior students are required to join this once in a lifetime event. I’m so excited I can’t wait to wear my dress which is color pink, to put make up and to fix my hair. Before the prom begins I my friends and my classmate met on the gate we kept taking photos of us. We were so noisy at the entrance. And when the marshal said we have to go to the covered court because the prom is going to start now, I was so nervous. I kept on thinking ‘’what if i fall while I’m walking?’’ there’s so many ‘’what if’s’’ in my mind. The court where our prom held was beautiful. I was amazed and our court was so huge. I was excited to start the prom because I am one of the student chosen to be part of the cotillion and my partner is Darwin. Darwin is one of my closest friends during high school days. The cotillion was perfectly done. After the cotillion our student president made her speech I and my other friends were so bored and some complained that they were starving. After the speech of our president we could finally eat our dinner. After our dinner the program continued there was a lot of funny moment during the program. It was hilarious. But for me, the best part of that night was party party time. We all dance like crazy animals and the best part of it is that all my guy friends asked me to dance. I also dance with my girl friend we were laughing and just have fun. After the dance I decided to go home and change my clothes at the bathroom but my bestfriend Christal told me to wait for the party to end so I change my heels and put my slippers. The speaker starts mentioning those people who are nominated to be the prom queen and king of the night. And I was busy chattering with my friends when one of my classmate told me that my name announced by the host and I was shocked i said that I can’t go to the stage because I’m wearing my slippers already. But my best friend told me that it’s ok. So I went to stage with my slippers on and walk in front of the crowd. I am so shy and embarrassed because of this but thank God that I am not the one who choose to be the prom queen. And this is one of the unforgettable moments of my life it’s just a natural moment but because of this I gain more confidence and faith in myself.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Road Safety Measures

Introduction- Road Accident is collision between any vehicles (for example car, truck, motorcycle etsectra) or it can be with any pedestrian, animal or the hindrance placed in the middle of the road. The accident occurred could result in many injuries or damage to the property. There are various factors which come into account which can be the reason of accident that is design of the road, driver's impairment and vehicle design which can cause serious and most dangerous types of accidents. This essay is based on the prevention of car accidents on the roads mainly on the streets of Dubai.Defining the Problem- What is the Problem? – The provision of highways are resulting in convenience for the peoples but the main problem which is faced by the government of any country is that the more frequent road accidents which are happening on the highways which results in severe damage in form of man power or infrastructure and mainly it is happening in big cities like UAE or Dubai which are having large road transport. The problem is basically small which is to be handled very carefully by the government; they have taken many measures to stop these huge accidents.Whenever a road accident takes place there is various types of damage which takes place which could be in the form of human beings which is also a victim, infrastructure which is damage to the government and other administration damages which occurs during accident. There is heavy cost to all above types of damages which has to be paid during accident which increase the complication if every day there will hundreds of accidents across the country which would directly affect the economy of the country such as UAE.There is a cost which has to be paid by the victim's family which cause great problem financially, the property is damaged due to the accident which also affect government financially indirectly. There is also some administration cost which will undergo due to the accident. Reason- The main reason behind the accidents which occur so frequently on the roads of UAE is that inattention which is given during driving a car. There would probably lesser amount of accidents if proper attention and rules are followed during traveling. There could be reason related to weather which lso come into effect into the reason behind accident which is of course a natural reason, the fog which causes less appearance of on coming vehicles could result in accidents. The other main reason which can cause massive accident is consumption of alcohol during driving. There are some stats related to the car accidents in UAE- * Mostly 92% men are responsible for the death occurred during accident and only 8% women are responsible. * Accidents at night made up 45% of the total fatalities. * Private vehicles cause 1164 accidents taking a toll of 167 lives. The average ratio of death due to accident in UAE was 1 in every 28 hours. Cause of Accidents- There are four factors which are responsible for these ty pes of road car accidents which are- Equipment Failure- The failure of some equipment inside the machine working of a car resulting into serious car accident is known as Accident due to Equipment Failure. These could be of various types such as failing of break, bursting of tire, tread separations or the problem could occur in steering/suspension. Roadway Design- The accidents which occur due to the irregular design of roads are known as accidents due to Roadway Design.It could occur through hazardous visibility which consists of merging lanes, livestock or pedestrian crossings, crests and troughs etc. The accident also occurs due to the irregular surface of the roads which causes imbalance of the vehicle and results into collision with another vehicle or infrastructure. Poor Roadway Maintenance- Poor roadway maintenance also contributes to some of the car accidents. There could be debris in the way of the road which could create problems for the traveler which is responsibility of local highway department, faded road sign and potholes could be another cause for the major road accident.Driver Behavior- The main and foremost cause is driver's behavior other than three causes discussed above which constitutes only 5% of the cause of the road accidents and 95% depends on this one. Various surveys has been done in which there is a study which comes out to be that only 5% driver's committed their own mistake in the accident and a major of 80 % believe that the other driver should have done something to stop the accident to occur. Current Policy- There are various policies which has been started or being formed for the increasing road accidents on the roads of UAE.There is an immediate need for the adoption of government's policies which could change the face of the accidents in the positive manner. Recently there is a conference been held in Abu Dhabi which was 15th Road Safety conference of four continents under the patronage of the vice president and prime minist er of United Arab of Emirates, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid AL Maktoum. This conference was mainly organized by National Transport Authority (NTA) and with collaboration with other groups such as GRPS, FERSI, TRB and many more.This was the first road safety conference which will going to follow United Nation Assembly resolution A/64/L. 44/Rev1 on safety of roads. The aim to conduct this conference was to follow the path being adopted by the UN assembly resolution and to support the declaration being done in Moscow to improve the safety measures on road. This conference was great platform for the government to adopt the measures which are being adopted and technical methods which are better than their methods could be adopted and being implemented to construct a safe world to live in which is free from ant accident.It was a great platform to debate for road safety issues and to discuss them and the measurement for the improvement of safety measures. There should be organization of futu re events and form a close relationship with transport institutions and the government authorities to work on the topic of road safety which can reduce the number of accidents which took place these days. The conclusion of this conference come out with the understanding that all the participants that is the countries or the nations which have participated in the conference will follow the guidance given by the United Nations on the road safety measures.There should be implementation of the strategic plan such as â€Å"Zero Vision† which is famous in some countries in Europe which should be encouraged by the United Arab of Emirates government as well as the agency under which this project will go should handle it with care. Government' s Reaction- The accidents which are taking place in the UAE region of Arab countries are getting out of the alarming situation so there is a need of taking protective measures by the government to enhance the education related to the safety adop tion during driving to avoid the risk of accident.There are various policies which have been introduced by the UAE government to ensure that there is less number of accidents in the country. There are various system introduced to control the accidents which takes place at the highway like introduction of fine system, black points and application like radars should be installed. So these systems should be discussed in detail to understand their uniqueness System of fine-There is an introduction of fine in various countries for the breaking of traffic rules to control the ongoing accident on the highways or on the street but the fine system which is applied in the United Arab Emirates region is somehow little harsh from other countries because of the diversified atmosphere of that country and the large amount of vehicles running daily from one destination to other. There are more than hundreds of offences which are made under the rule which involves handsome amount of money which is t o be given by the culprit if he/she found guilty of any one of them.There are some examples which could be given to show you how strict is the government of UAE * Not wearing seat belt there is a fine of 100 AED * If there is some change found in the fundamental of engine without permit then a fine of 400 AED * Driving a vehicle which is creating lots of pollution then there is a fine of 300 AED * Driving without number plate then there is fine of 200 AED * Overloading can charge an individual with 200 AED Driving a vehicle which is not having a license from license authority could be charged with a toll of 200 AED. So above points describing fine are some of the fines which have described here very shortly instead they are having a big list of them. The system is introduced with a purpose of reducing the irrelevant trafficking and reduction of accidents which are taking place in the country at the faster rate. Radar System- Various countries are adopting high tech facilities to con trol the rate of accidents which is touching the sky.There are technical gadgets which are available in the market which could detect the speed of a vehicle from few kilometers before which could help in controlling the speeds of the vehicle which is the main reason for the accidents. For example there is radar installed somewhere at the place on highway which used to keep track of the speed of ongoing vehicles and if found some vehicle is running at the speed which too high then the censors of radar will give the indication about it.This system and other various measures which have been initialized by the government have reduced the rate of accidents which were taking place earlier. You will be shocked through the stats that death due to road accidents in Dubai has fallen short by 27 percent in the first nine months of the last year which are the figures being given by the Road and Transport Authority (RTA). There has been loads of effort being given by the UAE ministry of Interior in making the roads safer for the pedestrians and the motorists. Black Points-This system is introduced basically in the UAE in which there are points given on the basis of breaking the rules or committing any mistakes during driving along with the fine being charged. These points collectively if crosses a standard limit which has been specified by the government could result into cancellation of the driving license or could be even worse than that by cancelling the license of the vehicle and taking the vehicle into their custody. So these were few measures which are being taken by the government of UAE at the superior level to prevail UAE as the Best Global cities in the world by 2015.There is a signing of memorandum between Road and Transport Authority (RTA) and the ministry to involve road safety in the top agenda and to increase improving the driving standards and the safety measures which are being took by the people. Alternative Policy- The policies which are been introduced by the government or some of them which are in the line are discussed in the above topics but the help or the measures which an individual could take has its own preferences. There are some policies which could be added in the list of the safety rules can help hem a lot to somehow decrease the accidents being taking place at the highway or on the streets. There should be launching of nation wide campaigns which could help in providing information regarding the road safety measures being adopted and to make people aware of the rules which are being introduced in the rule books. There are around 11551 injuries and simultaneous deaths on the streets of Dubai and there are 17 deaths which took place weekly in Dubai which is quite shocking with the stats.There are websites which conduct online test to test the knowledge of the road laws of the people which have another purpose also which is to make aware people about various laws and protective measures which they can take while driving. There should be formation of different associations which could take part in making the rules of road safety implemented in every part of the country and help the government in reducing the rate of accidents and which should provide various new invented measures which could be implemented and will be helpful in decreasing the rate of accidents, the government should take these type of ideas.There is very sharp division on the speed breakers which are situated on the highways could be placed with the forewarning boards and properly colored which could be seen from a distance but the travelers feel that speed breakers are not necessary on the highways but the villagers which understands the necessity of the breakers for their safety from the fast running vehicles. So these ways we have seen the division of mentality. There should be jurisdictional restriction on speed limit of different types of vehicle which are running like anything on the roads or highways resulting into very bad accidents.There should be some technically installment of the limit of speed which could be set accordingly to the traffic running at that place. The criteria of providing license should be made harsher which could only give chance to the perfect drivers which could provide a better chance of decreasing the accident rate. There should be various level of testing the driving of an individual which result in total inspection of the people that how much they know and is it safer to give them license to drive vehicle. The Non-Governing Organizations (NGOs) should come in front to put extra effort on the safety measures being introduced by the government.There are mechanical failures which could occur in vehicle apart from it there are mainly driver's fault which could result in severe massive accidents resulting into loss of many lives with them. Nowadays people are consuming alcohol and driving vehicle which could result into serious accident so the policy should be made to check the a lcohol consumption which should not be found more than a standard level as set by the government. There are cops which are posted at some place on the highways to check for these types of faults with breath taking machines which indicates if there is overconsumption of alcohol.Sometimes there are accidents which occur due to improper sign boards being placed on the roads. The proper planning of city could make a city free from accident which can be made by taking such types of protective measures such as sidewalks should be made to avoid walking on the roads which could decrease in the road hitting cases in the city, the crossing which is made should be made more uplifted to save pedestrian, there should be the facility for separate lanes for the two wheeler, three wheeler vehicles which can travel in only one row to avoid the risk of accidents.The activities like talking on cell phone, listening to music while driving should be avoided by an individual by themselves which could ser iously harm their lives and is termed as very dangerous. The government should walk through every rural and urban area to educate the people and launch campaign at very big level to involve as many people as it can so that more and more people are being introduced to the new technologies which are rapidly being involved in the traffic rules.There should be collaboration which could be made with other countries to improve the conditions which is at present, more and more conferences should be organized within country to establish a base of road safety and there should be exchange of information and ideas between different people having different mindset which could help in building more ideas regarding safety of the people of the country. The road design is also sometimes responsible for the accidents which should be made properly.In some researches it has been shown that proper design and maintenance, with well designed intersections, proper installation of traffic control devices c ould make significant improvement in the rates of accidents. There should be no mechanical default in the vehicle which is actually 5% of the accidents which take place but there should adequate measures which should be taken by individual like proper wearing of seatbelts, time to time service of the vehicle to avoid any risk during long run and other measures which should be taken by the drivers to drive safely on the highways which is the place of aving maximum risk of accident. The driver which is driving a car should be well educated enough to identify the roadside signboards to minimize human error so that risk of accident from human side decreases as low it can be. Conclusion- The car accidents are taking place at frequent rate in the country like United Arab of Emirate where number of highway are more which increases the rate of accident, the protective measure should be taken by an individual while driving a vehicle which has been introduced in above points.There are various policies which are introduced by the government to decrease the alarming situation of the rate of accidents occurring in UAE. There are stats which are shocking about the deaths of the people occurred during the accidents, these can only be improved when there is an initialization from every person of the nation and if full support is achieved by the government of the country then there are chances to calm down the temperature of the rate of accident occurring at highway. Read more:  http://www. businessteacher. org. uk/free-management-essays/road-accident. php#ixzz2OL0YNSNs

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How To Do Facebook Video Marketing The Right Way - CoSchedule Blog

How To Do Facebook Video Marketing The Right Way Blog Facebook is doubling down on video. In fact, 32 billion  views  per day on Facebook.   That’s a mind-blowing statistic, right? The implications for content marketers and social media managers is clear. We need to be investing in video content. But, if youre not a professional videographer, then how do you get started? That’s what we’ll cover in this post. Why Should You Care About Facebook Video? The amount of video watched on Facebook is hard to ignore. That isn’t the only reason why video is important on Facebook, though. There’s also the issue of declining organic reach on the platform. The newsfeed algorithm now makes it harder to earn high organic reach. If video content is particularly popular, however, then there may be an opportunity for content creators to capitalize. If you weren’t feeling the urgency to get started before, you should be now.How To Do Facebook Video Marketing The Right WayStill not convinced? Here are some more fast facts about Facebook video: Get More Mileage Out Of Your Videos With Features From Video content takes effort to create. So, why not make the most of your hard work? With 's robust social sharing features, getting maximum mileage from your video posts is easy. Social Video allows you to upload your videos straight to your calendar and publish them all in one spot: After you've created your post, schedule it to send at the best time automatically with  Best Time Scheduling: Finally, stop manually re-scheduling your videos and let ReQueue take care of it for you: Best of all, you can try all this stuff out free for 14 days! Start your trial below (and put the advice in this post into practice). Facebook Video Marketing Mechanics And Best Practices Before we run full steam ahead, let’s get our footing first. Which Video File Types Are Supported? Facebook recommends .MP4 and .MOV files. However, those aren’t your only options. Find every supported format here or use this cheat sheet: Is Native Facebook Video Better Than Posting YouTube Links? Facebook prefers video directly uploaded onto its platform. This may be because it sees itself in competition with YouTube. Directly uploading your video makes it easier for its algorithm to put your video in front of an interested audience. This means your video uploaded directly might get more views, shares, and comments. In fact, a study done  by quintly  found that native Facebook videos received 186% higher interaction rates than YouTube videos as of December 2016. On #Facebook, native video appears to outperform YouTube links.However, native Facebook video tends to have a shorter shelf life. According to Videomaker, However, by the same token, Facebook posts have a shorter lifespan. In the stream-like flow of the news feed, once a video stops getting likes and shares it quickly sinks to the bottom, rarely to be heard from again. It’s hard to search for old Facebook videos and linking to them directly is problematic. These are huge hurdles. There may be times where either Facebook or YouTube may be best for your video. Figure out which one is best in your case by asking a few questions: Will people care about this video a month from now? If not, the advantage goes to Facebook. Is this video evergreen (meaning it has long-term appeal)? If so, the advantage goes to YouTube. Is this video more than a couple minutes long? This could go either way, but you many want to default to YouTube in this case, for reasons we’ll touch on next. TIP: Remember, you can always upload videos to both Facebook and YouTube, too. What Are Facebook's Video Length Requirements? The maximum length for video on Facebook is 45 minutes. However,  according to Tubular Insights, the best length for engagement is around 1:30. Facebook recommends focusing on storytelling, rather than video length. According to Facebook Business, Video length is less important than telling a cohesive and concise story. Your video ad shouldn’t be longer or shorter than it takes to tell your story well, so create a storytelling arc from the first frame to the last that keeps your audience interested along the way. So, how long should your video be? The answer varies, but here are some general suggestions: In general, keep your videos short and to the point. If you have a longer video, consider breaking it up into short, easily digestible episodes. Pay attention to your Facebook video analytics (more on this later on). See what works best. Then, repeat. Facebook videos under two minutes perform best.What Kinds Of Videos Should I Shoot? There are all kinds of different video categories you could create. How do you know which types of videos your audience will like best? The answer will depend on your audience. Here are some ideas to get you thinking: How-to videos. Consider creating quick videos demonstrating how to perform a task. Entertaining videos. These could include videos based on memes, animals doing something goofy, or whatever your imagination can dream up. Behind-the-scenes videos. What’s it like to work at your company? Could you offer a behind-the-scenes look at how you created something (like a cool piece of content or an event)? Product demonstrations. Show off how your product or service works. Customer testimonials.  Anyone can talk themselves up. Someone else singing your praises is better. Live video. Live video is Facebook's latest video content type that allows users to broadcast video updates straight to your profile page. Your only limit is your creativity. When it comes to Facebook video, you're limited only by your creativity.What Equipment Do I Need? This depends on your budget. Facebook recommends investing in quality production. If you can afford it, it’s best not to go cheap. A great video idea, combined with polish and effort, can generate incredible results. What if you don’t have access to a production team, though? You’re not out of luck. Select Your Camera Type If you’re shooting video on your own, your first step is gathering equipment. Smartphone. Most smartphones can shoot hi-res video. They may not produce professional-quality results. However, this option can work well enough in a pinch. This guide from MakeUseOf has tons of information on shooting quality smartphone video. Digital SLR. Many professional-quality still cameras can shoot awesome video too. Expect to spend at least $500 for a decent entry-level digital SLR. Handicam. If you’re able to spend a few hundred dollars, an amateur digital camcorder may be enough to get started with. Professional video camera. If you have an in-house videographer, they will probably ask (nay, demand) you invest in professional equipment. Don’t argue with them. Just give them what they need. Getting gear to do #Facebook #video #marketing doesn't have to be expensive.Select Your Mic Audio quality shouldn’t be overlooked here. Smartphone microphone. Smartphone condenser mics can improve your audio quality for not too much money. There appear to be more options available for iOS, which may be something to keep in mind if you’re an Android user. Camera microphone. Like most things, you get what you pay for here. Start at $50 and go up from there. Select Your Tripod A tripod can make a major difference in keeping video stable. Smartphone tripod. A small smartphone tripod can go a long way toward shooting better video. Alternately, consider using a smartphone adapter for a full-size tripod. Monopod. These one-legged tripod alternatives are affordable and lightweight. Actual tripod. The most expensive option. Not coincidentally, this is also the best option. TIP: Don't underestimate the value of a quality tripod. It can make an enormous difference between having a stable shot, or a rocky video.] How Should I Shoot My Video? Never shot video before? No problem! You don’t need to be the next Spielberg to shoot decent videos (although it does help to have experience). Shoot Mobile Video Vertically This goes against old-school best practice of shooting in landscape view. However, vertical videos look better on mobile devices. When shooting video on your phone, go vertical. This will produce the best results for people on their phones. Shoot mobile video vertically, rather than horizontally, for easier mobile viewing.Remember The Rule Of Thirds The idea behind the Rule Of Thirds  is to split your frame into thirds along a 9x9 grid. This helps produce balanced shots that look visually appealing. Fit Your Subject In The Frame This is pretty basic. Show people above the waist. Don’t cut off heads or arms in the frame. Make sure people can see what’s happening clearly. Here's a quick example I just shot on my phone: The subject is positioned off-center (following the Rule of Thirds), with everything in the frame, and nothing cut out of the shot. Make The First Few Seconds Attention-Grabbing People scrolling through their news feed have short attention spans. Make your first few seconds count. According to Facebook, you've got about three seconds to hook your viewer into your video. Even then, only 65% will continue into the next ten seconds.   In other words, leave out dramatic build-ups or introductions, and get right to the point. Creating #Facebook video? Skip dramatic build-ups and get right to the point.How Should I Promote My Facebook Videos? You’ve shot your video. Now, how do you get people to watch it? Start with these tips. Write Strong Post Copy Include videos in your posts, and write copy that entices views. Here are a few ways to do this: Write a post that asks a question, while implying the video has the answer. This can get people interested in watching the video. Hype up your video. Get people excited to watch. Write in a way that inspires curiosity. If you want to make sure that you're nailing your messages and encouraging fans to watch your video, try our Social Message Optimizer. To start, type in a draft of your post, hit the video button, and select  Score My Message: Select Facebook and scroll down for an overview of what your message does well, and what could use some improvement: As you continue down the page, you'll see suggestions on how you can improve your message and boost your score: Scroll back up to the top of your page to edit and re-score your message: Recommended Reading: How to Write For Social Media to Create the Best Posts Embed Video From Facebook Elsewhere Did you know you can embed Facebook videos on web pages? It works similar to embedding video from YouTube. That means you can easily embed your Facebook videos in blog posts or static web pages. Simply click the arrow in the upper right corner of any video. Then, click Embed: Next, you’ll see an embed code: If you’d like to include the entire post (and not just the video), click the box. It's worth noting this method will embed your video in an iframe. These can potentially break RSS feeds. If you'd like to avoid this potential issue, click Embed Video. Then, click Advanced Settings to bring up the Embed Video Player Configurator. Next, click Get Code: Finally, follow the on-screen directions to copy and paste the Javascript code into the right places. If you're using WordPress, switch to  Text view and paste the top code at the top of your page: The end result looks like this: Sound FX: Packers vs. ChiefsThe #Packers look pretty amped up for the preseason finale! #GBvsKC Posted by Green Bay Packers on Thursday, September 1, 2016 Done! TIP: Know someone who might be interested in your video? Send them the embed code too. They just might put it somewhere on their own site. Add A Featured Video To Your Facebook Page Have a video you really want people to see? Feature it on your page. Visit your Facebook page. Then, click Videos: Next, click Add Featured Video: You’ll then be able to choose from any of your uploaded videos: Your video will then display under the About section on your profile’s main page. Here’s an example of what this looks like: Use Facebook Featured Videos to enhance your brand page.Upload A Video As Your Cover Photo To Make Your Profile Pack A Punch Did you know you can make your cover image a video? Social Fire Media  found that cover videos should include: A video that is 820x462 pixels wide. Video should be between 20 to 90 seconds in length. To upload a video as your cover photo go to your Facebook business page: Select  Change Cover  and Choose From Videos  or  Upload Video: Select the video you want to use as your cover photo: Click confirm, and your video should replace your cover photo. Consider Video Advertising Or Paying For Promotion Paying to promote your video, or turning your video into an ad, can help drive more reach and views. Just be sure to follow Facebook’s design guidelines for video ads. We also recommended reading Wordstream’s guide on using Facebook ads  too. Recommended Reading: Facebook Marketing Strategy: Why You Need One ( How to Build It) How Can I Drive More Traffic From Facebook Video? Facebook recently removed call-to-action links from native videos. However, there are still ways to drive traffic back to your site with your video content. Let’s walk through a couple simple tips. Include Links In Your Post Copy You can still include a link in your post copy accompanying your video. This simple detail is easy to overlook. Tag Other Accounts Mentioned In Your Video If your video references other companies, personalities, or anyone with a Facebook page, consider tagging them. This will help your video get distribution in their fan’s news feeds too. How Can I Measure My Success? Facebook video marketing is a lot of work. It’s important to know if your efforts are paying off. Data and analytics can show if you’re meeting your goals. They can also inform your strategy, showing what’s working, and what needs improvement. Fortunately, Facebook offers robust analytics functionality with Facebook Insights. Visit your page, and click Insights: Then click Videos on the left: Here, you can see: Total minutes of video viewed. Number of video views. Change over time. You can also see detailed analytics for individual videos: Select the video that you want to see stats around, and you'll see a full breakdown of all of the analytics for your video: If you're looking for even more social media analysis check out 's Social Engagement Report: How Should I Set Facebook Video Marketing Goals? Follow the SMART goals framework: So, that’s how you set goals. Now, which metrics should you track? Here are some possible options: Engagement. Are people liking and sharing your videos? Are they leaving comments too? Views. How many people are watching your videos, and for how long? Traffic. Are your videos linking back to your blog or website? If so, how much traffic are they driving? Follower growth. If you’re paying for video ads, are those ads helping you reach a new audience and expanding your Facebook following? Revenue. If you’re running video ads that direct to an ecommerce page or signup form, how much money are you earning from those conversions? TIP: Don't skip measurement. If you want budget to shoot more video, you'll probably need to show your boss why it's worthwhile. Data can do that for you. How Can I Schedule And Publish My Facebook Videos? Great question. recently launched our new social video functionality. It’s now possible to schedule social media video posts for Facebook within our app. (You can also schedule videos on Twitter too, but that’s another topic for another time.)